⚠️Ch 2: Unquiet Night

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        ⚠️ Chapter Contains Mature Material. ⚠️

Kenna tugs on my hand and pulls me through the clubhouse. By the time we have made it into the hallway towards the bedrooms; she slams my body against the wall. He tangles her hand in my hair and roughly pulls my head down towards her's. She connects her smooth lips against my own. In a swift motion, I lift her up in my arms and begin to walk towards our room in the clubhouse. Her hands never leave my hair as I fiddled with the doorknob. I bust open our door and step into our dimly light room. The door slams behind us as Kenna had kicked the door closed. Tossing Kenna onto the bed; I cage her in by crawling over her. I hold her hands into place as I kiss down her neck.

"Dyl!" She whines out.

She hates it when I torture her with small kisses on her neck. By the time I have hit her collarbone; she bucks underneath me. This causes me to let a laugh out against her skin. She's so impatient at times.

"You better not put on that condom that's in the drawer." She growls near my ear.

Impatient and demanding.

"Do you want your favorite device in the drawer?" I ask against her skin. I glance up at her and can see her head move up and down.

"Word Kenna." I growl out.

"Yes!" She screams.

I lean over and start to move shit around the drawer. When my hand hits a metal object. I know I have found what I was looking for. I dangle both metal objects in her face as her eyes light up with desire. She wiggles beneath me which causes me to move off her. It is her usual sign for me to move for a moment. The next thing I know, her tank top and bra have been thrown to the floor. She wraps her hands around my neck and pulls me back across her. I place one cuff around her wrist as the other cuff goes around the bedpost. I gently place the other set around her wrist and wrap the cuff against the bed post.

Handcuffs are her favorite devices during sex. I think it would be torture but to her it is arousal.

Once she's secure into place I work my way down her neck; lightly kissing it. As I make it to her round full breasts; my mouth devours her right one. Her moans fill the room, and I haven't even gone below the waist yet. I release her right nipple and begin my assault on the left. Again, her moans fill the room which is causing my jeans to become tighter. Restricting my throbbing dick. I release the left nipple from my mouth and begin to work my way down her stomach with small kisses. With a tug of her waistband, her short and underwear are now off her body. I toss them behind my back as I lift her legs over my shoulders. Lowering my face in between her legs; my tongue dances around her entrance. Her moans are louder and fill the room back up. Her legs begin to shake as I press my left hand on her stomach to stop her wiggling.

"Don't you dare release!" I growl against her wet vagina.

"Dylan! I can't hold it!" She whines.

"You release, you won't get the dick." I growl again.

"Well, you better get your pants off already!" She grumbles under her breath.

Chuckling at her whining grumbles; I slip my jeans and boxers off. My dick stands at full attention and can finally breathe. I slowly make my way through her entrance as I watch her nails dig into the palms of her hands. I don't plan on being rough tonight; tonight, we're going slow. Hence the handcuffs, if they weren't on; my jeans would have been off a while ago. I inch further into her as she moans out.

"Move!" She commands.

I thrust in a little further and begin to tease her. She gives me her knowing look that says if I don't move, I'm in for it. So, I pull out just to thrust harder back in. Her body reacts just how I want it. Like her soul is calling out to my own. Our heavy breathing echoes into the room as our skin slaps against each other. By the time we both have released; we're sweating from every pore in our bodies. She raises her legs into the air as I undone her cuffs. I can see her legs are shaking and she looks like she's about to drop them. I lean against her legs and let her legs rest against my back.

Our doctor had told us a method on conceiving is to raise her legs in a ninety-degree angle. The sperm will travel further into her canal and less will escape. Hence why my back is the "wall" at this moment. I stay like this for fifteen minutes before we both manage to move. She slips on a cotton dress and her underwear as I pull on my boxer and jeans. I didn't think we were too loud until I came out into the main area.

"Move!" Dawson yells out.

"Well, you better get your pants off already!" Mac and Kaiser yell from the back corner.

I let out a groan as Kenna's face turns bright red. Everyone laughs at our expense.

I guess we were not as quiet as we thought.

I guess we were not as quiet as we thought

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