⚠️Ch 10: My Dark Abyss

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I never put one at the beginning of the book. This is the first. So, this is the chapter I had probably the most trouble with. I wanted the chapter to be PERFECT. So you can feel emotions and what not. And of course the twins. Who have been taken. Another side note: this chapter contains graphic details; if you don't like murder, self defense, blood, maybe a severed head and limbs... I would skip over this chapter. Heave my warning:::: THIS CONTAINS GORE AND VIOLENCE LIKE NO OTHER!
Anyways, enjoy!

"Hey asshole! Where's my fucking kids?"

Mama Bear is out for blood.

Before Harper had time to grab his weapon, Mac shoots his knee. She continues to stalk towards the wounded prey.

"I said, WHERE IS MY CHILDREN!?" She screams out.

As she makes it to Harper's fallen body; she pistol whips him so hard on his jaw, he spits out teeth on her boots. That's a big no in Mac's world. She takes her small fist and begins to hammer down on this 6'4 male. In case you have forgotten, she's only 4'11 and maybe 110 pounds soaking wet with a brick in her back pocket. To her, spitting blood or saliva on anyone's boots is disrespectful.

"Mac. We need him alive to find our children. If he is dead; he's no use. Quicker if he's alive and telling us or better yet conscious enough to tell us where they are." Draven tells my heated sister.

"He better start talking now. If not my patience will run out and I will put a bullet in his skull. Once he's dead dead and not clinging to life; I'll storm that mother fucking house until I find our children." Mac snaps back at Draven. For a moment I thought my sister was about to shoot her own husband. While they continue their couple's quarrel, Kaiser, Dawson, and I walk over to Harper.

"Look son of a bitch. This can go quick or painful; the choice is yours. Tell me where my niece and nephew are." I growl out next to his ear.

"Cells." It was barely a whisper but I heard it clear as day. Before either of us three could end his useless life; a shot goes off. As I glance diagonal, I notice Mac still arguing with Draven as her gun is pointed at Harper's head. A bullet dead center of his skull.

Was she even looking when she shot that damn thing? Mac needs her weapons taken the fuck away.

"Cells!" Kaiser calls out as us three begin to race towards their front door. I can hear Mac behind me cussing still as footsteps are crunching the grass below our feet. Our guns are raised yet again as we come face to face with a luxurious door. Too bad that door is about to get smashed in. Dawson and I stand to the sides of the door as Kaiser brings his feet up and breaks the once marvelous door in. Wood splinters everywhere. Kaiser steps in with his gun drawn. Dawson and I are behind him covering his ass like always. Draven and Mac are right behind up. Soon, everyone's standing in the entranceway. Draven points and signals for us to split up. Dad, Dawson, Kaiser, Mac, and I head to the rooms on the right while Axle, Felix, Ink, Gears, Gunner, and Draven's father search the left side. As soon as they enter a room on the right, shots become music to the ears. Kaiser kicks in the last door on the right; as soon as he does, shots ring out into the air of that darkened room. Mac lays on the ground and looks for flashes of the barrel. When a shot rings out again, she fires. Her shot must had hit the person because the shots cease. I walk over to the injured male. As soon as I saw his face, I recognized him from the photos Wiz held up. Anger flows through my bones... He's one of them that took Kenna. He has his hand over his neck, still breathing so like the Good Samaritan I am... I fire a bullet into his heart. Had to put the wounded animal out of his misery. My boots squish in the blood that's covered the floor. I walk out even more pissed off than I was before.

"Clear." I grunt out.

As soon as we exit the right side and come back to the entranceway where we split up; we run into our men. Draven points down the stairs. We take the stairs on the right while team b takes the stairs on the left. As we make it to the bottom landing; we can see shadows of several people down here. Afraid one might be my niece or nephew... I don't start shooting.

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