Ch 5: Taken

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In the middle of training Felix and Blade after  Everleigh's fiasco; we were called into the clubhouse by screaming. Cutting their training shorter than normal. From the panic in Mom and Mac's voice, I knew something was wrong... Terribly wrong. Rylee has her hand on her belly as she runs out the back door.

"She's been taken. Kenna has been taken!"

The blood from my face has drained. I stop running and begin to stumble backwards. I feel like collapsing on the ground below me. The small visions we had for one another seem to slip away. How can she be taken? She was inside the clubhouse, wasn't she? Wasn't someone guarding the gates? Kaiser loops his arm around mine and Dawson mimics his reaction; both pull my soulless body towards a screaming Rylee. By the time we make it to the gates, several of our members' bikes can be heard in the distance. My mind still whirls around how this could have happened. It shouldn't have. My empty bodied self sits on the steps while everyone races around me. People are talking and all I can hear is muffled sounds like I've been held underwater. Snapping of fingers in my face gets my attention; slowly the underwater feeling subsides.

"Are you listening Bubs?" Dawson asks as he continues to snap his fingers.

"Not really? I'm lost. I don't understand how this could happen." My voices is empty and hallow.

"The prospects opened the gates to let in Kenna because she was just getting back from the mailbox." Mac says.

"And?" I question with an irritated voice.

"They had gotten a call saying recruits were coming; when they pulled up... Kenna was walking for the gates, they stopped in front of her. It obstructed everyone's view; when they drove off.... She was gone...." Rylee cries out her explanation.

"The prospects and some of our ranked members went after them. They should be back soon." Mac finishes where Rylee left off.

"That doesn't make any sense.... We aren't recruiting at the moment." Draven finally speaks.

The roaring of motorcycles has all our words cut off. I race to the gates and when they open up.... There's no Kenna on the back of any of them. A lone tear falls from my eye and down my cheek. It drops onto my boot. The sound of everyone around me has gone quiet. They're speaking but I can't hear a word they're saying. I walk into our church room and everyone begins to follow.

"Explain." Kaiser's voice breaks the silence in my head.

"They were long gone by the time we rounded the end of the road. Black truck, dark tinted windows, and their license plate was VRLR07. They disappeared on McKammon Drive and Turner Lane." Axle growls out the information in frustration.

"How would they know where we were located? How would they know she's important to us all?" Dawson asks.

"I think I might know the answer to that." Everleigh physically cries out.

"How would you know?" I ask my upset niece.

"Because if it's the ones I'm thinking...." She starts to say in between hiccups.

"Thinking?" Kaiser snaps in frustration.

"I went down the street after training. Got my ice cream from our ice cream parlor. Four guys stopped me and asked where recruiting is held. I pointed them to our direction. I had no idea we weren't recruiting. This is all my fault! I just got my Aunt kidnapped." She wails out.

My soul hurts from the love of my life being taken but my heart hurts over how upset my niece is. Before anyone says a word, no my niece isn't a traitor. She's just ditzy at times but than again she never knew when our recruiting sessions happened. She wasn't trained on it yet. My legs move before my brain tells them too. I scoop up my five foot niece into my arms. She buries her head into my neck and wraps her legs around me. She reminds me of a koala bear, she always has.

"Shhh Princess. It's not your fault. It could have been anyone that took her. You don't know that sweetheart. Calm down for me." I try to soothe her.

Once she's calmed down well enough to put her down, I do. Right next to me.

"Eve go with Wiz and you all work on reconstructing their faces for us to see who were going after." Draven says softly to his daughter.

What seems like hours of debates on how to do this, everyone's opinion matters but there's tons of opinions flying around this room. Kaiser's voice says the most common sensed thing.

"Wait for Wiz and Eve to come back before we try to come up with any type of plan. We can't go out there swinging when we have no clue who we're up against."

He's the VP for a fucking reason.

"We're back with four sketches. Eve has very detailed memory. It goes far as how one guy's left iris is three fourths green while the bottom fourth is a deep blue. His right iris is a deep blue color. She has excellent memory." Wiz says as he walks in with sketches in his hand.

The sketches gets passed around the table. Wiz projects all four sketches onto the wall from the projector.

"I will run facial recognition in a moment. It'll take a while before it comes back with any results... If any. Until then I believe we should think of plans." Wiz says as he begins to type away.

"We need to scout out the route they took. Go down Turner Lane, it leads to the main road. We should split into groups." Dawson grumbles out.

"I don't care what plan you all do. All I care about is being involved. There's no discussions against this. I have to learn one way or another. This will be my training. Blade and Felix will be there so I see why I can't. If you say no I'll just get mom to do her dragon glare at every single one of you all." Everleigh's strong voice sounds so determined.

When did she get so serious and headstrong?

Where did sassy Everleigh go?

What the hell is going on here?!

What the hell is going on here?!

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