Ch 6: Gone

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Before we put a plan into action, I remember something that would be useful.

"Her necklace!"

Is all I can tell out. No explanations just those two words. Just that one object. It's like Wiz understood what I was getting at. His computer screen is now displayed on the wall; I watch as his mouse clicks a few different icons. I watch as Kenna's picture is plastered on the wall, causing my shattered heart to sink lower in the pits of my stomach. He clicks a word on her tracker and immediately it pin points a location onto the main road; right off Turner. They couldn't be hiding her in a location close to home. Right? I watch as he hits another tracker under her name; her phone. It pin points further down the road, next to Gilles Toad Lane. Before anyone could stop me, I'm already running out the church door. The door slams against the wall with a powerful thud. I race towards my bike and before I could blink; I'm already taking off towards the main road. I can hear motorcycles racing behind me; trying to keep up. I push faster, I have to find her. I skid to a stop exactly where her necklace location had pinged. I hop of my bike after I mounted her up. I begin to search the side of the road to no use... There wasn't a necklace here. I get on my hands and knees and begin to search the small bushes and grass for this necklace. I had a tracker placed on it for reasons but the necklace isn't important because of the tracker.... It's important because it's the necklace that Kenna picked out. Her matches mine. It's two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly when connected. My left hand hits a cold object; when I pull it up to inspect it... It's her necklace. I walk out of the smalls trinkets of a mini forest when I come face to face with Kai. He notices the necklace in my hand and his face turns grim. The Hellhound is itching to come out and play; so is the Dragon. But right now in this very moment I can't let that side out just yet. Nodding my head I get on my bike and rush towards the next pinged location, Gilles Toad Lane. As I park, I see the glare of the sun beaming down on something. Carefully and cautiously, I walk over towards it. Her phone. I let out a growl of frustration as neither one is leading me toward my future.

My solace.

My home.

Tucking her phone into my pocket with her necklace; I head off back to the clubhouse. My brothers and Draven turn around when they see me barreling past them. Before I turn on our road, all three are in a line meters behind me. I park pretty much on the steps of our clubhouse, as soon as my feet hit the earth; I take off to Wiz.

"See if you can break into her phone. It's Kenna, she'd leave a hint hidden on her phone. At least I would hope she'd take our talks seriously." I tell Wiz as I toss him the phone.

I watch as he connects her phone to his laptop.

"Code?" Wiz asks with his brow raised.

"0214" I mutter out. Hoping to the Goddesses and Gods above it's the correct code.

I watch as her phone unlocks. He swipes to she her opened apps. My name pops up in a text, all that is on her bar is 'Father'

Father who? My father is here. Draven's father is also here..... Her father she never opened up about yet I never pushed her on.

Why in the hell would her father kidnap her?

We're about to open up a belly of a beast full of worms. This is going to be harder to save her than I anticipated.

Good Lord Kenna, please hold on. I'm coming for you babe.

 I'm coming for you babe

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