Ch 15: Phoenix To My Dragon

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"Hey Asshole. I believe you have stolen my sister."

And here we go.

Mac is always the bold and will be in your face confronting you type of lady. At times, I believe her mouth will get her injured. I quickly come from behind my spot and charge to where Mac is standing. Behind me I can hear the leaves and grass crunching behind me but over me at the same time. It's not coming from the ground. So, I glance up and see Ripper is jumping from tree to tree that line the long driveway.

Goddamn, he really is an assassin.

I turn my head behind me and see Dawson high on my tail. As soon as they see Mac standing in front of them and my bulky self charging forward towards to MY woman, they bolt inside as if it wouldn't stop us from breaking down the doors and windows.

"Hey Monkey Boy, be careful in those trees or so help me God I'll kill you when you get back here." Wild Fire's voice rings in our ears. If we weren't in a serious situation, I would have laughed. Ripper lands directly in front of me on the steps.

How did that boy get down so quickly?

How did he just jump from the tree tops to the ground below without breaking his ankles?

Before any of us could come up with a plan, Kaiser, Dawson, and Ripper kick in the doors. Shouts can be heard from where I'm rooted. A voice breaks me out of my trance and for once I'm grateful.

"I told you, you were barking up the wrong tree you damned mutts." Kenna cackles out.

Mac, Draven, and I race behind the crazy bunches of oaks. Crazy bunches of oaks would be Kaiser, Dawson, and Ripper. We all have made it safely in the manor as Ripper, Dawson, Kaiser, and I run towards Kenna's voice.

"I told you, you're missing with the wrong Phoenix because her Dragon is about to set this place up in flames." Kenna yells out.

"Shut up already." An unknown male grunts out.

"No can do. If you would like to live, I'd suggest you to let me down and let me go." Kenna sasses back.

"No a chance sweet cheeks." Another unknown male laughs out.

"Oh well. It's you're life that's dangling in danger... Not mine." Kennan's voice lingers down the long hallway. We all kick in doors by us. Each one didn't have Kenna or her captors in it. A scuffle can be heard further down. Ripper and I begin to race around everyone towards the scuffling noise.

"That bitch just bit me!" The first unknown male yells out in pain.

"Pardon my language but FUCK YOU!" Kenna screams out in a high pitch. By the time Ripper and I have made it directly behind Kenna and two of her captors, they're facing a four way intersection. Mac and Draven are standing across from us with their guns drawn. Dawson and Kaiser are yelling from the left side of the four way. Dad and Draven's father are standing directly beside all three of them. The captors turn every which angle but they have no escape. We have them all cornered with our guns pointed directly at both of them. Ripper and I press our barrels to their skin; I nod my head at Mac, signaling her and Draven to move out of potential fire. They understood what my nod meant.

"This can go two ways, give us Kenna or be executed. Either way, we get her and she gets to come back home with me." I growl in a low and deadly voice.

"Fuck you...." Is all he could say. Ripper and I pull our triggers and two bullets enter their temples. Both bodies topple over into the floor dead. I tuck my gun into my holster as Kenna leaps onto my chest. Once my gun is safely up, I wrap my arms around my woman and begin to walk out the manor. I walk her towards Doc's Medic Van. As soon as he sees me come through the clearing; the back of the van is open for us.

"Load Dragon's bike onto the bike haul. We all know he isn't riding it home." Draven's voice is loud as day.

And he was right, I wasn't riding my bike home. I'm going to be sitting next to Kenna as we adventure back home together. Fuck that bike.

"Dylan, move it. I have to get an IV in her now!" Doc says as he shoves me to one to the bench. I slouch down on the bench as Doc begins to work on her. I watch as he flushes some medicines down her IV.

"It'll sedate her for the ride." Doc says as we drive away from this hell hole. As the long ride continues, I slowly drift off to sleep; holding Kenna's hand.

"Dylan..." Someone whispers. I jerk up instantly, hitting my head in the process.

"Fuck! Kenna." I yell out in a panic.

"I'm right here dumbass." Kenna chuckles out. I glance over to the bed in the van and see Kenna, who's awake and smiling. I help Doc pull the stretcher thing out and wheel it inside. Every step of the way, I have a huge smile planted on my face.

She's home and she's safe. Maybe I'll get a proper night's rest.

 Maybe I'll get a proper night's rest

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