Ch 16: Duct Tape, Rope, Shovel, Rocking Chair

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We wheeled Kenna into the Medic Ward in the clubhouse. She fell asleep from exhaustion early this morning when we returned. I happened to wheel an extra hospital bed into her room. Which is where I happily slept. Anytime her monitors went off or made the slightest beep; I was up and worried. It got to the point where Doc sedated me instead of her.

Why me?

I woke up to Kenna's laughter filling the room.

"He was so worried any time that thing beeped, he'd wake up yelling for Doc. The machine beeps normally so Doc finally said 'fuck it' and next thing we know... Dylan is out like a light." Mac explains what happened.

"It wasn't funny McKenzie. I seriously thought something was wrong." My voice comes out hoarse from being asleep.

"I'm fine silly! Doc even gave me the clear. I am free to walk around, shop, etc." Kenna says with a chuckle.

"Actually! Kenna... What were my exact words." Doc says as he enters the room with his clipboard in his hands.

"To take it easy but I'm free leave this room." Kenna says with a cheeky smile.

"What's the reason for her taking it easy?" I ask.

"That's for Kenna to explain. I'm out." Doc replies as he lays his clipboard down and runs out the room. That's odd. He never runs out of a patient's room.

"I'll tell you later. Actually, can you go get me a few things from the store?" Kenna asks with her mischievous smile on her face.

"List?" I question. She always gives me a list or texts it to me. So, where's my list?

"Already sent to your phone." Kenna comments as she walks out the door. She pauses out in the hall and turns back around to face me. "Prospects are also helping with some things. Be back by 3 PM. No earlier nor later." Kenna orders. Okay, this is a new side of her I've never seen before. I pull out my phone as I walk behind Kenna. The list has me stump on what in the hell is going on!?

Duct tape. Rope. Shovel. Light bulbs. Super glue. Two by Four. Pale Yellow Paint. Masking Tape. Installation. Rocking Chair.

What the hell are we doing? Murdering someone, watching someone be killed, and burying their body somewhere?

Instead of voicing my concern, I get into my truck and head off to the billion of stores I'll have to visit. I do the five hour shopping trip and come back at 2 on the dot. However, I have Kaiser and Damien on the steps with sweet little Wild Fire.

"Entry is denied." Wild Fire comments with her hands held up.

"What the hell do you mean?" I question in confusion.

"Kenna said not to allow you in until its 3 PM on the dot." Kaiser laughs out at my painful expression.

"Let me through." I snap.

"No can do. She also said if you get unruly to use the rocking chair and duct tape you bought on you." Damien says with a smirk. I try pushing through but get held back by my own brother and Damien. Wild Fire snaps her fingers and Draven and Dawson come out the clubhouse with two prospects. They all get the tape and the chair as instructed. Fighting Draven, Dawson, Kaiser, and Damien isn't a fair fight which left me taped to a damn rocking chair in the middle of our parking lot. All I could do for the time being is rock back and forth in this damned chair. As soon as 3 hits, I'm cut out of my bindings. However, before I could barrel into the clubhouse; my sight ends completely. I'm blinded by a blindfold.

"We're leading you to the backyard. Don't worry we won't let you trip." Dawson says with a chuckle. I hear the gate open as I'm led to my doom. As the gate sound gets closer; I'm stopped full force by the air getting knocked out of me.


"Sorry. The gate slipped." Kaiser grumbles under his breath as laughter is heard around us.

"On the count of three. You're sight will be back." Wild Fire explains.

"Three." Kaiser booms.

What the hell happened to one and two? Did three eat the two numbers?

My sight is fuzzy from the sunlight but as soon as my eye sight is clear enough for me to see. I look around and see balloons everywhere. Tables are decorated and the backyard is decorated so some celebration. What celebration is beyond me. As I spot Kenna in the back walking towards me. I see my youngest niece and nephew running towards me in matching shirts. They both read 'Baby Soon'.

What the Hell does that mean?

Rylee finally come out and tell us all she's pregnant?

It isn't until Kenna comes into full view that I can read her shirt.

'Baby On Board.'

It's like it clicks.

She's the one pregnant.

As if reading my thoughts; she hands me a grey and white ultrasound pictures and on her pictures confirms what I finally realized. There's two little peanut dots on this ultrasound. Baby A and Baby B.

Holy shit! I'm going to be a father. And just like that my world went black and it wasn't from a blindfold.

 And just like that my world went black and it wasn't from a blindfold

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