Ch 3: I Vote No

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It's been a week of pure torment with everyone here. Every time we turn a corner, someone has to tease us. It doesn't bother me but poor Kenna; her face goes ten shades red. Some occasions her face is white as a ghostly ghoul. If it would have been anyone else; I would have died from laughter. However, it's Kenna, my girl we are talking about. If I were to laugh, she'd put herself in a chastity belt and throw the key away. I, for one, can't last if she was to punish me like that. I just wouldn't. So, I mentally have to laugh instead. At least she can't hear my brain laughing. Right?

"I swear to everything unholy Dylan if you are laughing in your head; I will cut your dick off."

Or maybe she can.

"You wouldn't dare?" I groan out in frustration.

"I mean she would have to live without screaming your name at the top of her lungs. For the heavens above to hear." Kaiser jokes.

"I mean, I vote for her to chop it off; maybe we'll get a peaceful sleep at night." Mac enters her joking opinion.

"Yeah right. You know how many people fuck around here. Too damn many to have a 'peaceful' sleep." Draven counters Mac.

"I mean there's other ways to make her scream my name." I chuckle out with my brow raised.

"Oh My Lanta! Dy shut up! Pretend I never said anything!" Kenna screeches with her face ten shades red again.

"Girl, you're the one who got with him knowing he has a perverted nonfiltered mouth." Rylee says with her own laughter filling the room.

"Dude! Can we change the subject already." Kenna whines out like a toddler.

"We have church in an hour." Draven retorts to changing the subject all together.

"Does our children need to be there?" Mac questions.

Draven gives a nod of his head; confirming what I already suspected. Better make my way to Blade and Everleigh so they'll know to be in church in an hour. Knowing these two hellions, they'll purposely come waltzing in five minutes late. They love to push their father's buttons. I walk around the clubhouse searching for the two shit heads. I spent thirty minutes of searching when I finally let out a frustrated groan and just scream.

"Everleigh and Blade! Get your asses over here!"

Like thundering hooves against the concrete floor. I hear Blade cuss in the distance and Everleigh's laughter filling the room.

"I told you there was a stand there!"

"Shut up Everleigh. No one likes a know it all."

The twins stop inches from me. Both looking like they are guilty of something.

"Why do you two look suspicious?" I ask them with my arms crossed.

"No reason. Why did you call Unc Dill?" Everleigh says while giving her best innocent look.

"We have church thirty damn minutes. Don't be late. And whatever you were up to before I called; you better not go through with it." I sternly tell the hellions in front of me.

Both of them nod their heads in understanding. Each one takes off in different directions. My brow raised and I'm thinking what the fuck are these two up too. They're like Dennis the Menace or Home Alone kid. Always up to no good. But what can I say; Kaiser, Mac, Dawson, and I were just like these two. I can't be too hard on them or I would be the pot calling the kettle black. I walk to our church room on time and take my usual seat. Everyone else begins to fall in. Three minutes in; still no twins.

"Did you let them know?" Draven asks with his glare staring into my soul.

"Thirty minutes ago, yes!" I answer with my own glare.

Five minutes in, the twins come walking through the door shoving each other. I told you, they purposely come in late.

"You're late." Kaiser calls out.

"Yeah. Yeah." Everleigh sasses back.

"We were caught up; working on something Unc Kai. We're sorry." Blade apologizes with his classic smirk on his face. Some damn apology there Blade boy.

"Didn't I tell you two... Nevermind." I grumble out.

"Let's get the meeting going." Dawson says as he rubs Rylee's back.

"We all know when time comes Blade will become President. We slowly have been training him. As for Everleigh, Mac wants her trained as well; against my wishes. Anyone against Everleigh being trained, voice your vote now." Draven says the last part in annoyance.

Before anyone can mutter their no's; Mac has her signature glare on, staring down each of us. Each of us swallowing our negative options down; Draven hits his grovel on the table while grumbling under his breath. If it's training as fighting and protections I'm all for it. However, Mac wants her trained in everything we do. Treasurer shit, hacking, fighting, learning weapons.... Everything to the tee to do with what we deal with daily; she wants Everleigh to know. It's something Everleigh wants to do; Mac isn't pushing her into it. Mac is standing behind her daughter and granting her her wishes. Like a Goddamn fairy godmother. I'm against it I think more than anyone here. If only I knew to stare down the Devil and her glare; our decision wouldn't have bit us in the ass in the future.

Because my no vote would have saved us from all the chaotic mess that's bound to happen.

Because my no vote would have saved us from all the chaotic mess that's bound to happen

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