Ch 4: Training

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Today, we have started training with Blade and Everleigh. Everleigh isn't getting an easier training than Blade. The females want her to be trained properly, so my niece is getting trained exactly how Blade and every other teenager is. For example, Ink has had Felix in training for a year now. Mainly Ink has been training him. Slowly, we had been training Blade behind everyone's back. Now, we don't have to hide his training anymore.

"Everleigh! Again child. What was that stance? A flamingo?!" Draven yells from the far side of the training field.

"I'll show you a fucking flamingo!" She whispers loud enough for me to hear.

"Eve!" I warn her.

"He started it." She snaps back.

"And I'm finishing it. Five laps now." I growl out at my sassy teenaged niece. God, she's just like her mother at her age. I watch as Eve takes off sprinting around the perimeter of the field.

"Faster Eve! You aren't a Princess today sweetheart. Push those legs!" Kaiser yells while running behind her.

"This isn't fair!" She voices her opinion.

"You asked to be trained in everything. Your mother agreed. You can quit now if you like." Draven tells her from his spot.

I watch as she flips her father off and finishes her five laps. Every step she takes, Kaiser is behind her pushing her on. You might be thinking "Aren't you all being a little hard on her?" the answer is fuck no. If my niece was to go off without guards or prospects and someone decides to try to attack her or abduct her; she'd know how to properly defend herself. So if making her run laps for being a brat is mean, so be it. I guess we all are just some mean ass shits but at least in the end; she'll know how to protect herself. I see no faults in our methods.

"Felix and Everleigh front and center." Draven calls.

Both teenagers begin to walk where Draven is standing. I stare at my brother in law, who's my president, like he's lost his damned mind. We all know after Everleigh's confession a year ago... She has a thing for Felix yet, the boy is too blind to see. Even after her confession. When my niece had tears in her eyes as she spoke her mind; I wanted to hug her. Hell, I wanted to make the pain and the hurt go away. But, that's what uncles do, right?

"First off I'm didn't smoke anything! I have a contact high! Who cares? I was perfectly safe! It shouldn't matter. And honest!? Really? Was mom honest when she left and had us? When she never told you about us until we were fucking 5 dad! Was that honest! So mom can get pregnant at 17 or was it 18? Yet you didn't look down on it. But so help me God I hang out with guys I'll become pregnant? I'm still a goddamn virgin! The one guy I fucking fell for, doesn't even look at me the same." She pauses.
She looks over at Felix and now has big fat tears falling from her eyes.

"Princess...." Draven and dad both say.

"No! You're going to hear me. You want answers fine I'll give them to you. I fell for my best friend. My best friend doesn't even notice it..... Notice me like that. So no I won't be like mom and be knocked up single before I'm 18. I'm so glad you think so 'highly' of me father. Makes me feel fucking loved. So much goddamn trust in me you got there sunshine. Eat a bag of dicks. You know you don't have to protect me all the time dad! I won't need you behind me all the time as a bloody shadow....." Her ranting stops when Kaiser throws her over his shoulders and starts to walk off.

I shake my head clean from that memory. That boy is an idiot if he can't see what's in front of him.

"... Now, Felix I need you to grab Everleigh like this." Draven instructs as he grabs Ink in the position he wants Felix to do. I watch as Felix has Eve in a rear naked chokehold. I watch as Ink begins to get out of the hood with ease.

"Eve, to get out of this position; don't freak out. If your mouth is open and their arm is in your mouth... Bite like hell. If not, to keep their hold from getting tighter; push your chin into their arm with a lot of pressure. It keeps the hold from getting tighter. Once you do, bring your head back and head butt as hard as you can. If you don't head butt, kick like a fucking donkey and hit them on their groin. Their hold will loosen instantly. When it does, you use force and run out of the hold completely." Ink instructs her.

We watch as Everleigh head butts Felix. His grip is already loosen tremendously. Eve breaks his hold and instead of sprinting off like she was instructed; she turns and faces her 'attacker' and kicks Felix straight in his manhood. This causes all of us to grab ahold of ourself. I can feel the invisible pain in my balls as my face morphs into horror.

"Eve you run you asshole." Blade says in horror.

"He deserved it anyways." She retorts with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Again." Dawson yells from the far bottom of the field. He's returning from the bathroom. We watch as Eve breaks the hold again without nut checking the clueless boy.

"Eve and Blade up front. Felix, go rest in the corner." Ink instructs all three teenagers.

"Eve, you're pair with someone who won't go easy on you at all. Blade, don't kill your sister... On purpose." Kaiser tells the twins.

We watch as Eve tries to break the hold; yet she doesn't. Before Eve can get knocked out to LaLaLand, Blade releases his hold without being told to. After a minute breather, they're back at it again. Instead of doing any thing we taught her; she backs her brother into a tree in order for his hold to loosen. She turns around and punches him in the eye. The look on Blade's face tells me...... He's out for blood.

"Eve, you're the attacker now. Blade you're the victim. Please don't kill each other." Draven calls out to his fighting children.

We watch as Blade crouches down for Eve. Eve wraps her arm around Blade's neck and begins to apply pressure. Blade stands back up to full height as Everleigh wraps her legs around her brother. In one swift motion, Blade slams his elbow into Eve's leg. This causes her to break her legs free; in a blink of an eye, she's sidewalked slammed to the ground. We hear the air get knocked out her lungs. Once she's back to her feet, they go in the same starting position. Eve is wrapped around Blade like a koala bear; Blade slams his elbow back into her leg. Her legs loosen however, instead of a sidewalk slam; he flips her over his head. Her back hits the ground with a loud thud. Without batting an eyelash as she gets up; she connects her fist to Blade's jaw. She walks over to Felix and kicks as hard as she can into his stomach; the poor boy falls helplessly onto the grass below. She walks off the field with her finger in the air. Everyone stands around shocked at what she's just done.

I really should have voiced the "no" vote. Because what I've seen now deserved the no vote. But, what happens later makes me realize; I should have stared down the glaring dragon called Mac and yelled NO at the top of my bloody lungs.

Fucking Mac and her glares.

Fucking Mac and her glares

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