Ch 13: Finding Kenna

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I find Wiz in the living room with his laptop on his lap as he types away. He notices my lingering shadow and looks up at me. With a swift nod of his head, he gets up out of his seats and I follow behind him. He closes his office and takes a seat behind several screens. I sit beside him as he clicks away on a few different screens.

"I continued to work while everyone slept. I watched the surveillance cameras around the Manor." He pauses. "I rewinded it back to the day Kenna went missing just in case I'd miss anything. It's better to watch from the beginning instead of picking a random date. You'll miss any evidence if you start on a random ass date." He pauses yet again. "I found a few things." He finally says in a sadden voice.

He clicks one mouse and movement on the screen begins to happen. We both watch as Kenna as carried "unconscious" by her brother. However, she mouthed "in the underground cellar" towards one of the camera. If she's awake why isn't she putting up a fight? Or screaming.... Anything! I watch as they enter the house. How can she be in an underground cellar if she's in the house and we searched every part of the manor and didn't find her.

Wiz fast forwards to right before Blade and Everleigh were taken. I watch as Kenna is punching her capturer in the face as he halls her beside the house. Wiz switches camera and it's immediately placed on Kenna. She's fighting with both males and what's shocking is she's winning. That is until someone hits the back of her head as she begins to run. They begin to drag her by her legs. They round behind the house out of camera shot. Wiz again clicks over just in time to see one man tap the ground and step back. The ground shook and began to rise where he had tapped three times. What looks to be an elevator rose from the ground. Kenna and three bodyguard like men get into the elevator and I watch as it closes back up leaving no trace it had ever opened.

That's a new way of wishing for the ground to swallow you up. Because technically, it swallowed her the hell up.

Wiz fast forwards and in the blur you can see Mac begin animated and than the guard goes down. Next was her brother before we stormed the manor. The following day, I watch as her father finally makes an appearance with others from the underground and with them is Kenna in chains as they begin to walk her to a car. Wiz zooms in and begins to type the plate numbers of three cars down. As he scans the three plates in, a list pops on three different screens with locations of each of their stops. At first, all three cars were traveling in the same direction. They all three stopped in a line. They stopped for a few minutes, I watch as they each get onto the main road, one goes South on the interstate while the next goes North on the same interstate. The third car continues to go straight.

"Is there camera in the area they stopped?" I ask.

"No I looked." Wiz confirms my fears.

"Any stores near where they stopped?" I ask a different question.

"No. Just houses." He answers. It was like a light went off in both our houses.

"Pull up the addresses around where they stopped." Wiz instructs. I do as he says. He types in one address after another. To no use. None of the addresses had cameras but that didn't stop us. Wiz typed in a random address up the street from where they took a pit break.

"Got it!" Wiz yells out.

"Got what?" Draven ask from the now opened door.

"This house has cameras. I'm hacking into them." Wiz says as if he isn't breaking any laws.

"Bingo! I knew it." Wiz screams in victory.

"What is he yelling about?" Everleigh asks.

"No idea." Mac says next to her daughter.

"They switched cars." Is all Wiz says. This gets my attention.

"Follow the third car. She isn't in the second one after they took their little quick break. See where they stop at first. We can start there and make sure through cameras, she's alright." Wiz explains. I watch as the car continues on the main road. It stops an hour way from the manor at a gas station. Maybe it's the diner next to the gas station?

"Here." I call out. I see Wiz type away and the car comes into view on a surveillance camera. Kenna stumbles in and begins to walk towards the bathroom. I watch as the camera zooms in and can see a small tip of a pen in her right hand.

She knew we'd follow their tracks.

I look at the address and take a mental note of it. I take off for the front door but I'm stopped by a voice.

"No the Hell you don't." The voice starts to say. "Not with me." The voice finishes.

"Or me."

"I'm coming too."

"Like Hell am I missing a war."

More and more ranked members and prospects begin to yell out. I am shoved to the side and I see my sister waltz by me and hop on her motorcycle. Everleigh is running towards her.

"I think the fuck not! You aren't tagging along." I yell out at my niece.

"But Unc." She starts.

"But Unc nothing. Inside. Now. I will not have you in a bed next your brother. Get moving young lady." I snap. I watch as our members jump onto their bikes ready for me to hop on mine so we can ride.

"Let's go!" Kaiser yells out.

One step closer. Just hang on Kenna.

 Just hang on Kenna

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