Chapter 30: Different

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1 week Later

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1 week Later

Getting dressed in my black suit, my hands started shaking when I tried putting on my tie.

"Let me help you" Cassy spoke folding it perfectly.

"Do you think he'll come today?" she asked smoothing out my shirt. Shaking my head I wrapped my hands around her waist pulling her closer.

Today was Iris's funeral and since the doctor came out to tell Carter she couldn't be saved he's been hunting down Damon leaving a trail of dead bodies where ever he goes.

"I don't think he'll be able to say goodbye to her" I whispered leading her out of the room.

The house felt different without Iris filling the halls with laughter.

Everything is different.

Zeus doesn't understand why Iris isn't home and he barely leaves her room but I plan on taking him with us today.

He deserves to say goodbye too.

"Ready to go?" Cassy asked grabbing the keys.

After dragging Zeus out of the house we drove to the reception. Iris's family was already there.

Walking into the small building it was filled with people who knew Iris from the short time she was free.

It was an open casket and I made sure Iris was wearing her favorite dress and her favorite stuffie was with her.

The service started so everyone grabbed a seat.

After a while, Iris's mom was the first person to speak, anyone that felt like saying anything could talk about their favorite memory with her.

When it was my turn I stood in front of everyone and started by telling them of the first memory we made together.

"A few days of knowing Iris we went shopping and she came with me to my tattoo appointment" a few tears were falling while I kept on reliving the memory.

After a while, my throat closed up and I struggled to speak so Cassy came to stand next to me.

Placing her hand on top of mine she said a few words of her own.

"I knew Iris for a few hours but hearing everyone share their amazing stories I wish I could've spent more time with her. I know it's hard for everyone but I know Iris wouldn't want any of you to mourn her death she would've wanted you to celebrate it instead".

Time moved quickly and it was time for everyone to say their last goodbyes before the casket was lowered.

I waited for everyone to finish before I took Zeus with me.

When he first saw her he's tail started swishing side to side but after a while I think he understood what was happening because he simply laid down next to her casket refusing to leave her side.

When he first saw her he's tail started swishing side to side but after a while I think he understood what was happening because he simply laid down next to her casket refusing to leave her side

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"Shouldn't you be putting your beloved girl in the ground by now" the mother fucker taunted spitting out blood?

Picking up the already-bloodied knife I pressed it down on his thigh.

Leaning my head to the side I watched the pain filling his face, each line showcasing on his wrinkled face gives me satisfaction as I slowly push the knife into his flesh.

"The only one I'll be putting in the ground today is you" I stated leaving the knife halfway into his leg.

"Fuck you!" he yelled trying to get loose.

"The only way this all ends is if you start speaking and if not I'll enjoy each second of torturing you till the last drop of blood you have stains the floor beneath us".

Sitting down in front of him I placed a rusted screw on his chest while holding the hammer in place.

"What will your choice be?" giving me a bloodied smile he leaned back relaxing as much as he could before replying.

"I'm dying anyway might as well go out in a bang don't you think?".

Bringing down the hammer a few times, I made sure it was a part of him before adding three more.

The torturing went on for hours and each time he'd pass out, I'd soak him in cold water.

When he finally gave me the name I was looking for I placed a bullet in the center of his head.

It's always the same thing.

They act cocky thinking they could survive the blood loss better than they actually can and in the end they talk in hopes of the pain ending.

They always talk.

Grabbing his limp body I threw him into his closet and set the house on fire.

I had no time to waste knowing my next target.

I was a step closer to finding Damon and once I did he'd wish his mother chose to abort her pregnancy with him.

Hearing my phone ring, I checked the caller ID knowing it was only Michael.

Declining the call I got into my car and sent him a message instead knowing what he wanted to ask.

I'm not coming back to the house tonight don't wait up.

I don't think I'll ever go back, to be honest. I can't walk in those empty halls knowing she won't be right around the corner.

Not bothered to wait for his reply I drove off.

Arriving at the airport my plane was already waiting so I decided to get clean once we took off.

Standing in the bathroom I barely recognize the man staring back at me.

My white dress shirt was painted red as well as my hands, my hair was a mess and my eyes had dark circles underneath them.

She was still everywhere I looked.

My dreams were always filled with her lifeless body laying on the ground and each time I try to eat but I keep picturing her pouting each time she had to eat healthy food.

I miss her.

I miss her

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