Chapter One

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No! No! No! No! No!

Not today!

Any day but today!

You know those days that could've been easily avoided, if you hadn't been an emotional wreck the night before?

Yeah today was one of those days for me.

I was running late for my Sociology presentation. Which was literally 15% of my final grade! How could I have been so stupid?

Who shuts their phone completely off the night before their presentation, knowing full well their phone was their alarm?

Oh, right...ME!

Before anyone takes a jab at me, I do have a reasonable argument.

Well sort of, let's just say my family was a mess and I didn't want to deal with their crap. So in order to avoid the back and forth...I shut my phone off. Which has lead to this debacle.

Is he at my name yet?

I asked my friend Vicki via text.

As our lecturer, Mr Singh was taking our presentations alphabetically by our last names.

Almost, he's at Sylvester!

She replied, almost instantly.

If he was at Sylvester, then I was surely next. I would have to run if I wanted to make it. As Mr Singh was a very cranky old man, that lived alone and absolutely hated tardiness.

The man would surely make and example out of me if I didn't get there before my name was called.

So with that in mind, I began to run. I ran as fast as my legs could take me. Passing the different cliques and rooms on the way. I could not afford to lose any marks on this presentation. My Dad would literally have my neck. I just knew he'd take away my social life by freezing my account as a punishment.

By some miracle, I made it to lecture hall before my name was called. However, I was completely exhausted and my legs felt like I was stepping on sharp stones. There were a few people staring at me when I entered the room. All giving me dirty looks for being late, while the others continued to watch Rafael  Sylvester's presentation.

As long as I wasn't late for mine. I could care less what anyone else thought about my minor interruption. It wasn't
like it was on purpose. I had just made a mistake the night before and didn't get to make it as early as I usually did for Mr Singh's lecture.

"What the heck happened?" Vicki
asked as I slowly slid into the seat she had saved me.

"I missed my alarm, it's quite the story actually" I replied in a whisper, as to not interrupt Rafael's presentation more than I'd already done.

"Oh" was her simple expression before her focus was back on the slide about the different kinds of Research Design. 

Which gave me an opportunity to finally catch a deep breath and calm my racing heart. I'd love if Rafael could slow down just a bit, so I could calm my growing nerves but he soon ended his presentation.

Which meant I was up.


"Miss Taylor!" Mr Singh called, scanning the room to confirm my attendance.

I stood up awkwardly, a bit annoyed that my introverted ass had to actually present before the entire room.

Time to put the mask on....

I thought.

Making my way down to the stage, I internally cringed as I passed the group of athletes that always sat together. I heard the douche bag Shane Manson whispering to his friend Weston. "I bet you'd tap that" he teased but I had managed to hear which meant others probably did too.

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