Chapter Twenty-one

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I had a sweet rest due to the events of Saturday night, So I woke up walking on clouds Sunday morning. Everything felt a thousand times better. From the birds chirping, to the sound of Regina washing dishes.

Regina knew why I was so happy, she had seen us from the balcony. Being quite the stalker as I had expected. She had even sat up with me to get the full details of what went down. She was even more invested in this than me.

Yet soon, my mood began to dwindle as the hours went by. There was not a single message from Julian, who I was certain had my number. I had expected him to be so excited that he'd be blowing up my phone. However, there was no text, no call... it was as if nothing had happened.

At first I had contemplated texting him but I didn't want to seem desperate. Not to mention I was a firm believer that a woman should be persued and not the other way around. I hated having to play cat. I was a mouse by heart when it came to these things.

Resorting to distracting myself as to not go insane; I did my laundry, cleaned the apartment and studied.

Still, after hours of avoiding my phone, there was still no message. Which led to me feeling stupid. I should have known better.

I should've expected this from Julian. He was used to putting little to no effort to get whatever he wanted. Though I had hoped he would have been the kinda guy to text right after to give some sort of reassurance... he wasn't that guy.

Silly me, always expecting what I'd never get.

Deciding I was done worrying about something that had barely begun, I made my way to the kitchen. I was hungry but I wasn't in the mood to spend any money on food delivery. So, I was going to cook again.

Regina was in her room chatting over the phone with her family. So I could aim to finish by the time she returned from her family time. Then we could probably eat and watch something like we always do.

I checked what we had available in the pantry and fridge before deciding what to make. Settling on rice, pasta and fish fillets, I gathered the ingredients and got to work. Focusing all my frustration from not hearing from Julian into my food prep and cooking.

I was so engrossed in my work that I didn't even notice when Regina came out and sat around the island to watch me. I almost yelped when I turned from the stove to get some seasoning and saw her staring at me. Which earned a laugh from her.

It was becoming clear she liked to give me a fright.

"One of these days, I'm going to be in a hospital because of you" I voiced, wiggling my finger at her in disapproval.

She was trying not to laugh but soon she couldn't hold it any longer. She burst out in loud laughter and I retrieved the seasoning jar with an eyeroll. It wasn't funny at all.

"Oh come on, half the time it's unintentional. Your face though... gosh it was priceless " she spoke up, her voice still heavy with humor.

When I didn't reply to her, she changed the subject.

"Anyways, did he text you as yet?" She inquired and I sighed.

I sprinkled the seasoning into the pot, then turned to face her with another sigh.

"Nope" was my short reply, making sure to pop the p.

It felt embarrassing to say the least. I was so excited telling her about how he had come over to keep my company. Plus she had seen the way we were all up on each other.

Only for me to be telling her he hadn't hit me up since the whole thing.

"Really? That's crazy, with the way he was all over you. I thought he'd atleast text you... damn" was her words of disbelieve.

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