Chapter Sixteen

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I couldn't sleep that Sunday night. After the kiss and the way it made me feel... I was confused. I thought I had no feelings for Julian. That his attraction to me was merely one sided.

Yet that kiss suggested otherwise.

Rolling unto my back, I looked up at the ceiling. Ugh, I don't know what to do now. Do I ignore what happened and what I felt? Do I try to pursue something, even though I know it will end in misery?

Getting up from my bed, I walked to my closet to get a bottle of water.

Why didn't I pick truth?

Everything Would've stayed normal if I'd chosen truth.

I just had to be different and pick dare!

Gulping down the water, I burped obnoxiously loud.

There really wasn't anything I could do. Aside from wait for the memories to fade. I'm sure Julian had already gotten over the incident. He's probably used to getting kissed.

Maybe it felt good because I hadn't been kissed in years.

Whatever it was I needed to sleep. So I crawled back into my bed and threw the blankets over my body. Then I reached across and turned the lights off. Finally, I fell asleep with thoughts of Julian's lips haunting my dreams. 


Then, after a regular boring Monday... Tuesday came around.

I had just finished my Accounting lecture and was supposed to meet my friends for lunch. Yet I had already decided to skip lunch with them. I just couldn't afford to see Julian again, atleast not until I sorted my feelings out.

The kiss was engraved in my memory and I couldn't get the feeling of his lips out of my head.

So I was planning to hide in the school's library until I felt like going home. It was a massive building, so it would be hard to find me if Gideon or Victoria came looking. I just wanted to be alone for a while.

Finding a seat in the back of the library,  I picked up a random book and started reading. My phone was on DnD and my location was off. I was serious about avoiding the whole situation. 

Which I knew wasn't the right thing to do right now.  However, I could care less about communicating my feelings.  I'd much rather read the random Pirate story I had picked up than talk to anyone.

Yet fate had other plans.

"Hey, excuse me" someone voiced.

Which made me look up to meet a pair of blue eyes.

It was a Guy around my age, dressed in a white t-shirt and blue jeans. He was smiling in a warm manner and he had a book in his hand. He gave that boy next door vibe and I raised my brow at him.

Why was he at my table when there were many others available?

"I'm Tatum, I just saw you reading alone and thought we could keep each other's company " he explained, his warm smile never wavering. 


Oh no...

"I'm sorry, I read alone but thanks for the offer though" I replied, trying my best to be nice.

He seemed at bit disappointed but he hid it well.

"Cool cool, no pressure" he spoke as he raised a hand to wave as he left.

I was surprised by how gracefully he took the rejection. He seemed like a sweet guy but I just wasn't interested.  Sighing as I got back to my reading, I didn't realize someone else was approaching. 

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