Chapter Twenty

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I could barely comprehend what had happened mere minutes ago. Did I really just make out with Damelia? As in the Damelia?! My girl... my Lia?

I was on cloud 9 as I drove home. A million questions in my mind. A million possibilities now before us. This was it, she'd gotten past hating me and now we had a chance. A chance to pursue something incredible.

There was no doubt I was ready to date her. Infact I was ready to make her my girlfriend. I wanted to have a claim to her. So everyone would know to back off. She was mine and would only ever be mine.

Soon, I arrived home and pulled into the driveway. Victoria's and Kimberly's cars were already there, which meant they'd come home in the span of time I was with Damelia. The lights were also on indicating they were still up. So I prepared to look normal, not wanting to let them in on what had happened as yet.

I just wanted to talk to Hudson. He'd give me the best advice on how to further proceed. Even though Damelia and I had made out, I still had to move forward with caution.

When I entered the living room I was greeted by the group. They were all sat on the floor talking amongst themselves. A few beer cans were scattered around the room and 2 massive bags of chips were on the center table.

Gideon was the only person missing, so I figured he had gone home with one of the campus buses. As he lived in the frat house, which was funny because he was far from a typical frat guy. Kimberly also lived on dorm but she stayed here in our guest room on weekends.

As for Victoria, she seemed a bit tipsy, so driving was out of the question. 

Plus Kelton loved having her sleep over. There was no way he'd let her go home tonight. So he had her sat on his lap as he played in her hair and whispered God knows what into her ear. Which caused giggles to erupt from her.

" Where the hell were you? We thought you'd come straight home" Hudson inquired as soon as he spotted me, his brows scrunched up in confusion. 

At his question the others turned their full attention to me, curious to hear my answer.

"Chill out man, I was at a friend's place." I answered, hoping that would satisfy their curiosity. 

It wasn't like I was lying, Damelia was a friend. Well... atleast for now. That would be changing very very soon if I had my way.

Hudson seemed to buy it, as well as the rest. So they went back to chatting amongst themselves. Talking about the events of the trip and all the fun they had. I on the other hand retired to my room.

I wanted to text Damelia, to ensure I wasn't getting excited, just for her to go and reject me again. Yes, she had loved kissing me as much as I did her. Yet with her there were plot twists at every corner. One minute she could be into me and the next she could be running for the hills. I had to strike when the Iron was hot.

Yet I hesitated to text her, after all Hudson did say I needed to take it slow with her. I most certainly did not want to overwhelm her. So I decided it was best to wait until the next morning. 

So, with that decided I changed into a sweatpants. I wasn't a fan of wearing too much clothes to bed. So after praying that Damelia wouldn't regret the amazing moment we shared, I climbed into bed.

I tried my best to get comfortable under the thick sheets. However, much to my dismay, I couldn't sleep. No matter how tight I shut my eyes or how much I snuggled close to my pillow, sleep was evading me.

All I could think about was her. From her light brown eyes that always seemed to pull me in, to her full lips that begged to be ravished by my own. From her curly brown hair to her cute nose.  Everything about her consumed my thoughts. 

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