Movie night

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Nikki pov

So basically everyone finished cooking or in Dean's creating something and is now carrying the food into Randy's TV room. I struggled with the tray and glared at Seth as he made no attempt to help me even though his hands are empty. WOW! Was all that came to my mind when I walked in and saw the beige colored walls with a huge TV and big beige seat with comfy pillows and shelves around the TV.

"I can marry this room!" Paige announced and I agreed with her.

"Don't you think it will look even better with a few plants?" Brie asked.

"No!" We all shouted as she sulk and rolled her eyes. Randy smirked victoriously.

I rest the drinks down on the selves along with the rest of foods and Dean's madness. I refuse to call that food. I sat next to Wade and smiled at crocked nose Brit. Seth then sat next to me and I glared at him. I crawled over Wade to get away from Seth but he followed me. I will strangle that fool if he continues. I looked over at him again and he flashed me a huge smile. I let out a little growl as I moved in between Paige and Dean. Ha, let's see how that idiot gets beside me now that I'm in between two people. I smiled victoriously as I saw Seth glared at me.

"Excuse me Paige do you mind shifting a bit?" He asked Paige as she shifted her body before I can say anything and Seth quickly sat besides me. I give up! He smiled at me and I want to do nothing more than feed him to lions, hungry, hungry lions. I smiled at my thoughts of him running away from the hungry lions. I decided to lay down so I faced my body to TV and placed a pillow under my arms like Paige. This is really comfy. "What movie do you guys want to watch?" Roman asked going through all the movies. "It have notebook, fast&furious 7, Avengers, Fifty Shades of Grey -that is not an option- , home alone, bad cops and chuckie." Roman called out all our options.

"Bad cops!" Almost everyone said. I never watched the show before but I heard it is a good show. Roman's face lit up as he pulled the vid in the vid player. "Roman pass me a lemonade and fish and fries please." Paige pouted at Roman who sighed but went to get her stuff. "I'll have the same too please." I smiled widely at him as he narrowed his eyes at me but handed us our stuff. "Oh, Roman can I have a fruit salad please." I heard my sister ask Reigns who seems just about done with everyone. "I'll take one too. Oh, and a cup of lemonade" Randy asked as I look at Roman who looks like he wants to beat the shit out of all of us. He grumpily hand the couple their request making them smile at him. "Oh can I have a hotdog?" Seth asked as Roman's face harden but Seth just point to the hotdogs behind him. "No!" Roman shouted and sat besides Paige as I snickered to myself. "Heyyyy! Why didn't nobody ask for what I made?" Dean asked kneeling on the seat besides me as everyone turned away from him. No one wants to get poisoning, I thought. "Oh look the movie is starting!" Wade saved us from Dean as Dean muttered somethings and sat back down besides me. I sip on the drink then pushed forward and rest it on the floor in front of me as I ate my fries.

"They look like fools!" Seth laughed as the two main actors entered a fancy reunion dressed as cops. Everyone laughed! We aren't even that much into the movie and we are already laughing like fools.

"Well that is some shit! I feel for you brotha!" Dean yelled to the screen as I covered my eyes when the fat naked Chinese guy rub his sweaty balls against one of the main actors face. "Hahahah! This is epic!" Paige laughed and we laughed along with her. "Ewwww!" Brie complained and hid her face in Randy's chest to block her eyes, making me and Paige laugh more. Seth just look plain out disgusted as Dean looked fully interested stealing my fries as I made no attempt to stop him.

"That was a great movie!" Eva reminded us of her existence. She isn't lying though, it was an epic movie! "Let's watch it again!" Wade cheered happily. "No!" Everyone stated as the Brit sulked. I loved the movie but to watch it twice in a row is a bit ridiculous. It is so much better watching tv with a group of people than by yourself, it makes things funnier. Dean had his hand around my neck while Seth has his wrapped around my waist and this is getting ridiculous. Dean and I finished my fish and chips, while Seth and I finished my fruit salad and I stole a bite from the hotdog Dean took. I know I said I was only going to eat the fruit salad and the fish and chips but the hotdog was actually great!

"One more movie!" Paige suggest. Chewing her hotdog. Everyone turn to look at Randy who looked so happy right now. "Of course!" He approved and everyone clapped happily. "I'll put it in!" Eva volunteered as she got up an made her way to the stash of movies. "I'm feeling in the mood for a horror now. It will be fun seeing we are all together." Eva gave us her point of view and honestly I think it is a great idea. "Yes!" I said a bit too awkwardly as I hid my face in the seat afterwards. "We are in!" Brie confirmed. Hey she is still here, I thought upon hearing my sister's voice. Everyone nodded expect for Seth who looked unpleased which made me only want to watch the movie more. "Scared much Seth?" I whispered in his ear. He turn and look at me with an annoyed look on his face as he blinked at me. "No. I just prefer to watch a next comedy." He defended himself as I simply raised my chin at him still sporting my judgmental look as he huffed and rolled his eyes looking away from me.

"Oh Chuckie. That is one evil ass doll alright! That is a next reason I didn't like dolls as a kid." Paige told and I'll say amen to that. Brie and I may have seemed girlie but we use to destroy our dolls and play soccer instead. It was made even worse when my dad made us watch this show. I think it is the scariest horror of all time. Judge me. "Amen to that sista!" Brie literally worded my thoughts but that isn't surprising. "I never saw one of these films before. I always heard about them everywhere though." Dean revealed shocking everyone of us. I looked at him with wide eyes, No. "Dude! That was like the show to prove you are a man. That is the movie that proved we weren't as teens!" Roman told and I nod, agreeing with the guy. "I'll admit I first saw this show at 17 and I slept with my mom. Of course I told her it was to protect her." I chuckled a bit at Roman's confession but I don't blame him. "Dude I did the same thing!" Seth admitted and they high fived as Dean shrugged. "I remembered when I watched it when I was younger at my cousin's house an they we're so mean! When I fell to sleep they literally made up their doll with make up and then lay it down on the pillow besides me with a flash light under its face and a knife placed in its hand. Then one of them -Sarah- hit me and I when I opened my eyes I saw that. I legit screamed and ran to the bathroom because I began to pee my pants." Wade confessed and Paige had to cover her mouth so she wouldn't spit out the drink in her mouth. Everyone was weak with laughter even Wade himself is laughing. I would have died if anyone did that to me.

The movie started and everyone huddled together as we watched on. "Ah!" I heard Seth let out a soft scream, I turned to him, amused. Ohh, he is never going to hear the end of this, I thought. He looked at me startled. "Seth did you just screamed?" I whispered to him even though I know the answer. He gulped a bit of saliva down, looking at me.

"Of course not," He whispered back a lie to me

"I heard you. Are you scared?" I taunted.

"You are hearing things. I'm a grown man. No, I'm not scared."

"Typical answer a scared grown man would say."

"I'm done speaking to you, Nicole."

"Suit your lying, scared self Rollins."

"You annoy me."

"Aww, such a nice compliment."

"Erg I-"

"What the fuck is wrong with that doll! Even with the batteries out it is still working!" Dean cut off Seth saying without even knowing it. I smirked and huddled closer to Dean, nodding. "It is evil!" Randy stated as everyone looked at him. "Duh, smartass." We all said in sync, he muttered something under his breathe and then turn to look at the screen."

"Shit I still have chills." Wade told as Eva stoked his head, a smile appearing on his face.

Men, I thought.

(A/n: so should I do a next part to this one? And what is the scariest horror of all time to you? Mine is Chuckie.)

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