Eat it

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Seth pov

Finally that horrid movie is over! I can't believe Nikki thought I screamed because I was scared, pfft. Okay, I did. BUT she wasn't suppose to think I was scared, she suppose too think I'm a big guy and nothing makes me scared and that I screamed -which wasn't even that much of a scream by the way-, well because I was joking. Yes, I was joking. Why couldn't she believe I was joking? Why couldn't you believe you were joking? SHUT UP CONSCIOUS!! I yelled at myself mentally.

I saw Nicole looking at me with a smirk on her annoying but beautiful face. "I was joking when I scr-........made a noise, during the movie." I defended myself knowing exactly what she was thinking. She raised her brow at me giving me the 'yeah right look'. "I WAS!" I got very defensive- maybe because I was guilty. I then realized that everyone was now looking at me. I grunted and looked at their questioning faces. I then turned back to Nikki who was giving me a threatening look. I shook my head at her but that only made her smirk more. She then leaned into my ear and I felt my self heating up a bit. "Eat Dean fo- whatever the hell it was he made and I won't tell them." She reasoned with me in a blackmailing way.

I don't know which is worst. Dean's food or what I like to call poison he made or her telling them I screamed during the movie. One might say let her tell them. But we are talking about wrestlers here and they have Dean. Dean alone is trouble but Dean and Randy is a recipe to make my life a living hell, and I'm sure they will find a way to introduce it in the script. Then that will be the whole world knowing and then it will just have thousands of people all around the world laughing at me. It will also have posters and picture on Twitter and in the crowd. So if she tells them that will be a whole world wide embarrassment. But if I eat what Dean made I might just die, or turn into a moth or a frog! I don't know what jacked up fairy tales you be reading, but ain't no girl kissing no frog and I ain't no prince!

I looked at her with my brows knitted. I tried to think of an embarrassing thing she have done but she will one up me. "Dean I will love to have some What you created please." I said making Nikki's jaw drop but a smile still played on her face. I sat up and looked over to Dean, whose eyes were glistering. I saw everyone else looking at me like I'm a mad man. "Should I go for the first aid kit? Where do you keep it?" I heard Brianna ask Randy causing me to turn and glare at them but nodded. "He won't need that! If anything it will heal all idea his problems. I encourage all of you to eat it." Dean told serving me a plate of his - whatever it is. Everyone shook their heads while Nicole laughed. Ohhh, let her laugh now she will so get it! I thought to myself as I sneered at her. "Bon Ape patty!" Dean told giving me my plate with basically poison on it. I gave him a 'what the hell' look. Did he realize what he just said? He looked around and found everyone giving him the look I was giving him.

"What?" He dragged out as he asked. "What the actual hell is Bon ape patty?!!" Roman yelled at him causing Dean to laugh. "Roman, my dear you should at least know that. That is basic French.......or is it Spanish?" he bit his lip thinking. "I don't even know. I speak all three languages so well." He cockily said as Brie and Nicole burst out laughing while I shook my head, embarrassed for my friend. "See Roman? Got the ladies laughing at you. They like guys who can speak other languages." Dean popped his invisible collar at the twins, Paige and Eva began to laugh as they all stared at him as if he has a next head. Idiot! Is what he is!

"IT IS BON APPETITE!!! You dumbass!" Roman scolded making everyone laugh loudly. Dean tsked and shook his head. "Roman, Roman, Roman. There you again, got the ladies laughing at you. It means eat like a king ape. Bon ape patty!" Dean embarrassed himself once more as Roman looked like he was about to explode from Dean's stupidity. "Roman, he is right." Randy said deciding to just let Dean count his wins. Roman looked at Randy and sighed an nodded, catching on. "Thank you Orton," Dean told as Nikki rest her face into the seat still laughing. "Your welcome bro," Randy accepted and happily breathe out.

I was now face with the task to eat what I was told too. "What did you put in this?" I asked Dean as Nikki looked at him, biting back a laugh. She is ridiculous. "Well, I don't share my secret recipes." Dean told and I got scared. "Eat it and stop asking questions." Nikki told me in a serious tone and I glared at her knowing she wants nothing more than to kill me. "Fine!" I said and raised the spoonful of Dean's madness into my mouth, closing my eyes. I put the thing into my mouth and began to chew and it was the worst thing I ever tasted! I'm sure my face is twisted as I covered my mouth so I won't spit it back out. It taste like the bottom of a tropical, dirty, monkey-rat. Don't ask me what is a monkey-rat but when you taste it you will know. I swallowed it and wiped the spit from my chin as I quickly got up and went to grab myself a cup of lemonade, I drink it down in a one but the taste was still there so I drank like two more. "Where is the bathroom?!" I hurriedly asked when I realize nothing was helping. "Come with me." Brie told as she got up and began to lead the way out as I heard everyone laughing. Idiotic, foolish cows! I thought about them. I should have just made her told them.I

(A/n: this wasn't what I had originally planned for this chapter but I said why not. I will post the original part of it sometime soon.)

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