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Nikki pov

I have had it with Seth and his crap. I'm done with him and I mean it. How dare he shout at Carmella like that and call Brie a slut? He is the slut here. I entered Brie and Randy's shared hotel room, resting down the latest Louis Vuitton purse that Seth brought for me that night the fight occurred, on the counter.

"So guys aren't going to greet me?'' I asked pulling my shades up.

"What for?" Orton asked playfully as I rolled my eyes but sat on the stool behind the counter. They were both in the kitchen anyway.

"You trust him in there? He doesn't seem like he knows how to cook." I asked Brie, smirking at the glare he is sending me.

"I'm an amazing cook for the record." I rolled my eyes at that.

"He is okay with certain stuff. Easy stuff," Brie threw him under the bus as I began to laugh.

"You two don't know talent." He resorted and I scoffed.

"So Nicole......." Brie started and I'm worried for what is about to come.

"Hmm?" I hummed in response.

"You slept with Seth twice." She looked at me with a raised brow as she began to chop the carrots way more violently than needed.

"Yeah. So what are you cooking?" I tried to change the topic.

"Don't even try. Why didn't I know about the second time?" She is so bold.

"Because you don't need to know about my sex life. Plus it was while back," I defended.

"Yes, but it is Colby we are talking about."

"Brie just leave it. It wasn't recently. Well, it was before he even got with Carmella. I don't ask you about your love and sex life." I don't because I don't need to know.

"Well that is because I'm in a sound relationship. You on the other hand...." I folded my arms and watched her incredibly annoyed.

"Can you stop boasting that your life is so much better than mine? Because I'll appreciate it. Thanks." She always does this.

"I'm not bragging! I just want the best for you!" She quarreled. Randy is just there being silent. He learned the drill.

"Then stop asking me! I'm done with Seth! Okay!"

"Fine!!" She shouted and an awkward silence I've known all my life fell between us. I'm shaking my foot and she is placing her veggies in the pan. "So how did you get that bag?" She looked at my bag and I gulped. Great, I'm roasted now.

"Seth," I answered barely above a whisper as I flinched back expecting her anger and it came.

"Seth!?! I thought you were done with him!" Ugh!

"I am! But that doesn't mean I can't sport one of the gifts he gave me. I'm mad at him, not Louis Vuitton!" Like why can't I wear the gifts?

"That was the stupidest thing I have ever heard." Brie told. She loves to call me stupid when I'm the smarter twin.

"No! It is not! Right Orton?" I turned to superstar as he shook his head.

"Don't get me involved in this. I'm just looking on." We both roll our eyes at that.

"When did you get it?" She asked me.

"The night before yesterday." I honestly answered.

"What was he doing there?"

"He came to drop of the gifts I guess. I don't even know how he got my hotel name an room number." I don't.

"When he came to drop off the gifts was that all he did?"

"Well no. He and Dean fought." why did I tell her that? Dumb Nicole!

"What?! Why!?!" She seemed beyond shocked and Randy seemed super amused.

"Because he caught us having sex." I shut my eyes when I realized I just said that.

"You had sex with Ambrose! And then the two fought!?" Brie just seemed done and beyond confused.

"Did Ambrose had time to put on something?" Randy asked as I smile crept on my face, I shook my head and he began to laugh mad loud.

"It isn't funny!" Brie scolded him as he instantly stopped.

"And what did you do?" She asked as I sighed. I might as well tell her.

"Well I put on Dean's shirt and they stopped fighting because he kicked Dean in his naked nuts." Randy laughed mad loud but Brie shook her head at him so he stopped. "Then Seth walked over to me and was like 'how could I do that to him and shit'. Then some thing about him being better than Dean and then we kissed." Brie's eyes went wide. "But then I pushed him off and ran I to the bathroom! Well no. Wait. Dean pulled him off me and was about to fight again but I parted it and told Seth to leave because he hurts me the most and such. Then I ran into the bathroom." I confessed and Brie shook her head.

"Get out," She told and I was shocked.

"Excuse me?" I wasn't expecting that.

"Nicole leave. I don't want you in my room any longer," Brie angrily told and I shook my head getting up.

"If that's what you want," I told grabbing my purse and heading towards the door.

"You are really a hoe." She spat at me hurting my feelings.

"Yeah, well at least I'm not a bitch." I slammed the door with that. I know what I meant.

Seth's pov

"I can't believe you slept with Nicole! You didn't come home yesterday either were you with her!?" That was how I was greeted as I walked through the door of my home, yes home. We are close to Iowa and I figured it will best to come home. I mean, I'll have to wake up earlier to drive to the arena but no big deal. And Carmella beat me to here.

"Good day to you too." I rolled my eyes and rest my stuff on the floor, walking over to the recliner I love.

"Don't! How many times did you sleep with her?" She continued to nag.

"Twice." And both times were glorious.

"Twice!?! Why didn't you tell me!?"

"Why do you care? It's not like you told me all the guys you slept with." I don't get her at times.

"Yes, because I don't work with them!!!" She shouted. "I knew all the girls you were with in WWE but I never knew you and Nikki were a thing."

"That's because we weren't a thing. It is complicated alright. We were never together."

"So you two just had sex for fun?" She seemed a bit more calm.

"For her, yes. For me, no. I liked her, she hated me and whatever," I explained. She doesn't need to know I love Nicole.

"Obviously or else she wouldn't have set Alexa up with you."

"What?! She didn't set up me and Alexa!?" Did she? Carmella looked sorry and shocked.

"That was why I thought you two never had sex or liked each other or whatever." Carmella spoke, "Alexa told me right after Nicole told her. I mean that was why she didn't care when you broke up."

I'm going to find Nicole and have good chat with her. I can't believe her! How could she? Fuck you too Alexa. I should have known it was too easy. Nikki is a slimy bitch. But ugh! She never bothered to tell me. She hated me that much!

"Look, I can't stand to be around you right now so I'm leaving for the night," Carmella informed and I shrugged. I don't care. I care about Nicole.

"Okay. I'm going to sleep bye," With that I got up and head into my bed.

(A/n: haven't done double povs in a while. Love you all ❤️🐾😍)

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