Yell at Seth Day?

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Seth pov

I have to clue what the hell was Nicole's problem yesterday! But then again she always acts cold towards me. Plus, she was right she do treat newbies a bit mean, Eva is the perfect example and now they are friends. Carmella seems to adore her though. She didn't even mind her bitchiness towards her yesterday. She just sees it as Nikki Bella telling her they will be great friends. Women are weird.

So, that brings me to the big question. Aren't you hung up over Nicole? Well- wait how did me saying Carmella just sees Nicole being mean to her as her becoming friends with her later on bring us to that question? Hmm? No seriously, I don't know how my brain works. BUT, I'll answer the question. Yes, I'm still hung up over her but I can't be single for the rest of my life and Nicole don't want me........she made that pretty clear. Yes, I know I said I'll stay single until I get her and climb over her skyscraper walls or something like that but that was before I realize how difficult it was.

Okay, thinking it will be difficult and still be willing to work through it is one thing, but actually feeling the difficultly is a next, trust me. It is like when you say you know it will be difficult to finish all say homework, okay? Okay. So you know finishing all your homework will be hard to do later on but you want to play a game or something so you say it will be hard to finish it later on but you will. Then when later on comes and you actually start to do it, you realize that you lied to yourself and this shit is actually way harder so you decide to screw it and sleep? Well that is exactly what happened with the Nicole thing. There is a reason I'm not a solider, respect to them though. I really like Carmella though, she gets me and we have a lot in common, plus she is stunning- not Nicole stunning.....but Nicole stunning is basically impossible to reach......unless you are her identical twin sister like Brianna then that's the only way. Why do I think such shit? Well it isn't shit but you know how people think about maths and business and stuff? Yeah, why can't I be like that? Hmmmmm?

"Seth which should I wear?" Carmella asked me holding up a black and a blue ring gear, same style just different colors. "Black, I wear black so should my baby." I pinned her against the wall and kissed her. She is great kisser but Nicole is better. I miss Nikki's lip but she is such a cold bitch it is hard.

"Seth! Oh....... I'll check back later." Nikki entered my dressing room but turned back once she saw Carmella and I. "No, what is it?" I asked her, she bit her lip and smiled at my girlfriend. "Um, I just know where Ambrose was. I thought he was here........ But clearly I was wrong." She simply turned and went to walk out. Something about her attitude isn't right....she seems colder than usual. "Why do you need to see Dean?" I asked, it always pisses me off she spends so much time with him. She glared at me. "Because I want to. You don't have the right to question my decisions. Now go back and kiss Maryse- I mean Carmella." With that she walked out and slammed my door, leaving me dumbfounded. She is such a bitch! What is wrong with her? She could be on her period? Why do I alway think she is always on her period when she mean? I may be a guy but I know periods don't last everyday of your life! She is just cold an bitter but hot! "I'm sorry about her." I apologize to Carmella. "No, she is like this to all newbies. It is cool, I can handle myself." She really does idolize Nicole huh? "Uh, if you say so." I kissed her cheeks making her giggle.

"Seth have you seen Ambrose?" The other Bella barged into my room looking for Dean also. What is it with Dean? "No why?" I asked slightly concerned that something may be wrong with my best friend. "Just answer the question I needed! Why do you got to know everything?!!" Brie yelled at me slamming the door on the way out just like Nicole. What is it? Bella Twins hate on Seth day? What the hell did I do to Brie? Or was that Nikki dressed as Brie trying to pull twin magic? Nah, I know the difference between them, anyone with eyes does. "They hate you?" Carmella asked not really knowing much about us. I looked at her and shake my head before nodding then talking to clear up my confusing head movements. "Nikki hates me, Brianna I don't know what just happened." I looked at my door. "Well they are twins." She so wisely said as I nod with slightly pouted lips. "True" I leaned in to kiss her again but once more someone storms in my dressing room. "Have you seen Dean?" Dean asked making Carmella laugh but I glared at him. "No but I'm seeing an asshole at my door." I replied to him, quite dully. "Oh, I thought he was standing next to stunning girl." Dean winked at my girl making her smile as I growled at the idiot. "What do you want?!" It was a question but I didn't ask it, I yelled it through my gritted teeth. "Oh, have you seen the Bella Twins?" Okay, why do they want to see each other? I looked at my gf and she smiled at me. "No, why?" I asked the lunatic ass at my door. "GOSH YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOW EVERYTHING!" With that he walked out but left my door open. WHAT THE CHICKENS?? Why is everyone yelling at me!?! And at least the girls closed the darn door back! "They don't seem to like you much. Anyway, got to run." Carmella said and kissed my cheek before taking off, I didn't even get to reply.

Nikki pov

I met up with Dean and Brie in Orton's locker room while Orton is in a match right now. I don't know why but I hate seeing Seth with Carmella, they look hideous together. She isn't the right girl for him! But then again knowing Seth he will dump her soon anyway, stupid heartbreaker.

"I feel bad for yelling at Seth." Brie confessed twirling on the twirling chair.

"I don't. Why did you yell at him?" Dean asked her, I looked at her.

"I was fed up with people asking why I was looking for you and he just pushed my buttons when he asked." She explained. She is so nice.

"What about you Ambrose?" I asked judging by what he said earlier.

"I just like yelling at him. Your turn Nicole." It looks like we are taking turns.

"He just pisses me off." I shrug.

Dean nodded and took Brie's Apple drink as she whined but didn't try to get it back. I smiled at the scene a bit before looking back down at my title. I worked my butt off for this, regardless of what haters think, I'm shock I still have it. "What do you guys think of Carmella?" I asked them still looking at the butterfly belt on my lap. "Eh, I don't pay her much attention but she seems nice." Brie shrugged sliding around in the chair. "Yeah, she is nice and hot." Dean told and I looked at him with a crocked smile and a cocked brow. "Everything with tits and a vag is hot to you, especially if they wrestle." I joked with him as he gasped but smiled it off. "Not everyone, but you two are stunning." He seriously told as we awed and hugged him. This is why we are best friends. "Okay enough with the sap let's do something fun." He clapped his hand hopping off from the counter he was sitting on. "Like?" Brie asked still riding around in the chair. She is a child at heart. Dean smirked and looked at Brianna as she stopped and looked scared. "Nicole sit next to your sister on the chair." He instructed. I looked at him skeptically but shrugged, resting my title down on the chair I was sitting and shared the seat with Brianna. "Now what?" We both asked looking up at him. He smiled and opened the door as Brie and I shared a look but did nothing. Dean then came behind us and began to push the chair as we screamed an held onto each other, getting pushed quickly through the halls as superstars and divas parted so we could pass. Why didn't I see this coming? "Don't kill us! WOHOOO!" I gave my sister crazy looks. Only she could plead not to die but still wohoooooo in the same sentence.

"Shit! What the hell you ran over my feet!" Seth cried out coming out of nowhere. Good, I thought but said nothing. "Screw your feet!" Dean said and began to push us again while we laughed and looked at our other jealous coworkers. They wish they were this cool. We came to an abrupt stop causing Brianna and I lean forward a bit. I was going to show Dean cold eyes but when I looked up I saw, Stephanie McMahon, Vince McMahon and Hunter. Well shit, we are screwed. "Hi." We all dragged out with a cute little smile.

Hunter just seemed to be confused, Stephanie looked slight amused and Vince looks.....well, like Vince. Yip, we are screwed. "What were you guys doing?" Hunter was the first to ask, probably in his head questioning himself for hiring idiots. "Well......." I started off but looked to Brie and Dean to finish the rest of the sentence. "We were......" Brie stated and looked at Dean who send us a discreet growl before looking up at the bosses with a smile. "I was trying to cheer up theses two. They were so sad and nothing kills me more than when the Bella's are sad. So I decided to do the world a favor and make them happy again. I'm truly selfless." I closed my eyes waiting for death to come after Dean's explanation. Why did we leave it to him? "W-what?" Hunter shook his head still not understanding. We send him a cute smile.

"These three ran over my feet!" Seth came limping over to complain, I rolled my eyes and turned away from him. "He yelled at the twins." Dean lied making Seth gasp while we kept a straight face. "Seth you don't yell at the talents, especially female talents. Therefore, I will let this slide. And Dean?" Vince called to Dean while Seth pout and whimper. Baby. "Yea?" Dean literally don't seem to care who he is speaking to sometimes. "Let me get a ride!" Vince cheered and we looked at each other shocked. "What?!" Almost everyone said besides his daughter Stephanie. Brianna and I got off so the boss could sit. "Wait I'm coming too." Stephanie shocked us again as well. Hunter rolled his eyes and walked off. She sat next to her dad on the chair, hugging him, awww. "Hold on tight!" Dean cheered before he started to run, pushing the chair as the bosses cheered. We have fun bosses. I looked up at Seth who was besides me and rolled my eyes, walking off. I can't stand to be around him more than ever.

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