The end

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Seth pov

"Colby do you take Leah to be your lawful wedding wife?" Carmella's uncle Patrick asked me. Yes, he is the one conducting the wedding and yes he has his permits to do so. Oh and yes I am currently getting married. I looked at Carmella who wore a white, sparkly mermaid gown and her hair in a bun with two curls down. She looked at me smiling and I returned it. I then looked out at the people in attendance and saw most of them is her family and friends and they all look happy. My mother looks pleased but not as happy as I always pictured she would be. I looked for my best friends Dean, Roman, Randy, Cory......hell I even looked for Brie and Eva but neither are here. What kind of wedding doesn't have your best friends? All of them turn down the invitation. I looked back at Carmella with a painted smile on my face. I wonder how Nicole would have looked standing where'd Carmella is now standing? Stunning, no doubt. Shit! I'm getting married to one woman right now and thinking about an other! That isn't right. I need to get my shit together and just marry the woman in front of me even though I wish it was Nikki standing in front of me.

"Seth I'm going to need to get that answer now." Her uncle hurried me as I looked at him agape and then back at the crowd seeing them all looking worried. I gulped feeling the sweat starting to form. What the hell is wrong with me? I came this far all I need to do now is marry her damnit! Carmella has a brow raised at me making my feel guilty. Should I marry the woman I'm not in love it? I'm picturing Nicole and thinking about Nicole while I'm marrying Carmella. Is that bad? Yes it is. Ugh! But I can't leave Carmella standing here alone and embarrassed erghh! What to do? What to do? Marry her! Nikki probably doesn't even love me anymore and here I am worrying and thinking about her.

"I......" I started but still couldn't finish. I don't know what to do. I just want this to be some horrible nightmare but I know it isn't, this is reality. A reality I'm going to have to deal with. I took a deep breathe getting ready to married the woman I'm not in love with. I can do this. People do it all the time. Yeah? Yeah.

"Go get her Colby." Leah spoke. Huh? Rewind. What? Did she just say go and get her or am I imaging stuff now? Most likely because no one would say that. Stop going crazy Seth. "Your aren't going crazy. Go and get her. She is the one you want." Carmella spoke again adjusting my head to look at her, ignoring the gasping crowd. I looked in her brown eyes for any signs she might be playing and this is a trap but found none. Zero, zilch. My mouth parted as I stared at her in shock.

"Car-" I was about to protest but she cut me off by placing her finger on my lip.

"I appreciate the effort to be with me and marry me Colby. I was hoping that after time I'd be your number one girl, I'd be the one you are insanely in love with but that didn't happen. And it never will. Nicole is your soulmate." She preached and I feel the intense and interested stares of people upon us but now isn't about them. I began to shake my head looking at her.

"Maybe but Nikki and I aren't destined to be together. But you and I are." I held her hand, saying as she laughed an ironic laugh looking at me. Her eyes now have tears in them.

"If you are soul mates you are destined to be together. I don't think you can be destined for someone and not allow to be together. You know that Colby. Despite the amount of times you try and blinded yourself to not know or see that, you do. You know Nicole and you are meant to be together." Wow. I looked down as tears stream down my eyes, can't believe I'm crying in front of this many people. But... Nikki thinks we aren't. "She still loves you. I guarantee you that. Now go find her." With that Carmella slipped off her engagement ring and gave it to me as I look down at it. Maybe she is right. I should at least try.

"Thank you and I do love you." I said to her as she smiled and nodded.

"I know but you aren't in love with me. Now go before I cry." She warned and I saw the tears threatening to spill. I kissed her forehead and hugged her while thanking her before pulling away and running down the aisle to the door. I stopped and looked back at everyone.

Ice Hearts (Nikki Bella/ Seth Rollins)Where stories live. Discover now