Hidden Talent [Uta x Reader]

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[First person pov]

My friend dragged me to this concert that he bought tickets for. He said that I'd enjoy it but I was hesitant. 

When my best friend Ryo gave me the ticket, I hopped into his car and we drove to the concert. A bubbling fuse of excitement stung inside my chest. Maybe I would have fun. Even though I had no idea who The Sology was, I trusted Ryo. 

The crowd erupted in cheers as the band came out from back stage. I took a good look at all of them and quickly understood why. They all looked awesome. Even though they were wearing casual clothes, they absolutely rocked it. The singer stole my attention. His voice sounded majestic in my ears. The strumming of the bass was the next thing that caught my attention.

"Who's that?" I shouted at Ryo and pointed to the girl.
"That's Uta!" He replied in a shout. "She's one of my friends. I'll introduce you to her later."

My heart rate spiked up as the words hit my ears. After a moment, Ryo went back to screaming the lyrics and I smiled. I started to dance on the spot and I just felt free. The gig finished with cheers coming from every corner of the room, including me. I might have been cheering the loudest. 

"You wanted to meet Uta, right?" Ryo asked.
"Fuck yeah!" I said as we floated backstage.
"You shouldn't be here," a security guard scowled as he blocked the entrance.
"They're with me," Uta smiled, waving at Ryo.
"Hey Ryo! Did you like the show?" Uta asked.
"Of course I did. You were amazing."
"By the way, you haven't introduced me to your friend."

"Oh... um- I'm Y/N! I loved the show. It was amazing. Ryo bought me a ticket and I hadn't heard of you guys before that but I have to thank Ryo for introducing you to me!" I rambled.
"No problem," Ryo said as he nudged my arm lightly.
"I'm glad you enjoyed the show!" Uta thanked me. "Would you like to meet the others?"
I couldn't contain my excitement as Uta introduced me to the other members.

"Thank you so much! By the way, Uta, you're my favourite." I winked at Uta.
"You're my favourite too," Uta replied.
"Hey!" Ryo reminded us of his existence.
"What? Can you blame me? Uta is like... really hot," I responded.

"We should get going," Kyūma butted in.
"Sure but I'm taking this one with me." Uta pointed at me.
I chuckled and Uta chased me until we got to the band's van.

"So you really meant everything you said?" Uta asked.

I hopped into the back of the van and laid down. Uta laid down next to me.
After hesitating, I snuggled up next to Uta and said, "Of course I meant it."

I jumped after hearing Uta yell. The rest of the band jumped into the van. Goken sat in the front and Maki took the passenger's side. 

"You're a cute couple. You should go out," Kyūma said. 
"Shut up, Kyūma!" Uta playfully hit him. 
I let out a giggle.
"He has a point," I said.

I called Ryo to check up on him.
"Hey Ryo!" I greeted him.
"Hey Y/N," Ryo replied.
"You should've introduced The Sology to me sooner!"
"Heh, I'm jealous. You stole my friend! I still love you though. You are my bestie after all."
"Haha! Sorry about that. She's too gorgeous to stay with you so she got an upgrade."
"Upgrade? More of a downgrade, I think. Sorry, my food's here. Gotta go. Love ya!"
"Bye, love ya!" I hung up the phone and dramatically collapsed into Uta's lap.

She stroked my hair as I slowly drifted off in her arms. I barely knew her but I felt so safe in her arms. The world had no chance when I was with her.

"Y/N?" Uta whispered.
"Huh?" I woke up.
"We're at the studio. Kyūma wants to write a song. Do you wanna do it with him?"
"Heck yeah!"

I talked to Kyūma and Uta as we wrote the new song. I felt included and beyond happy.

"This is such a good song. Perhaps the best we've ever written. We need Y/N to help us out more often," Kyūma suggested.
"I'm down," I agreed.
"I can't wait to play this in front of a crowd with you and Ryo in the front row!" Uta chimed in.
"I'd be honoured," I smiled softly.

{706 words}

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