Arisu x Suicidal!Reader

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[First person pov] 

I stood at the top of the building, my knees shaking. I didn't know what to do anymore. What's the point of living? Every time I think I've hit rock bottom, things inevitably end up getting much worse. What's the point if I'm just going to continue to drown and no one is there to save me? The wind blew against my body and the hairs on my arms stood up. I think of everything that I've done. Good, bad and stupid. Those moments made up me as a person. I didn't feel like a person anymore.

As soon as I stepped onto the edge, my phone started to ring.
Ryohei Arisu.
I just stared at my phone thinking of all the things we did together. I loved him and he loved me. I don't want him to think that I'm in danger so I just let it ring out. He wouldn't stop ringing my phone. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked down at the street below, letting fear consume me. Arisu was at the bottom of the street, looking up at me. 
"Answer the call!" He yelled to me.
I could barely hear him. I stepped off the edge and curled into a ball on the floor. I couldn't answer it. He'd be mad. He probably hated me. I didn't deserve him. I should just get it over and done with and jump.

My hand drifted towards the answer button. My index finger hovered above the button. After a few moments of hesitation, I answered Arisu's call.

"Y/N! Thank god you answered. What are you doing up there. Please don't tell that you were going to try to kill yourself. I know that I don't know anything that you've gone through but you have to hear me out. Life doesn't seem like it's worth living now but with some help, it can get better. I know that it's really fucking scary at first so I want you to take your time. Please just come down so I can talk to you. You can tell me everything that's bothering you and I won't judge you. Not at all. We could even just play video games until we fall asleep to distract you. Anything other than... what you were gonna do. I can't lose you, Y/N." Arisu cried in a desperate attempt to keep me alive.

"It's not worth it..." I murmured. 

"No, really it is! It is worth it. Please get down here. For me?" 

I thought about it for a while. Arisu had to call my name a few times to make sure that I was alive. After contemplating Arisu's words, I agreed to give life one last chance. For Arisu. He's the only thing that's making life bearable right now. I walked down the spiral staircase that led me to the street. As soon as I exited the building, Arisu ran up to me and hugged me tightly.

"I don't want to lose you."

{488 words}

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