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I rested my head on Cliff as we roasted our food. The others were done and me and Cliff were the last ones. I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back. His smile was so cute. He laid his head on mine.

We roasted our hot dogs then went back to eat them. "You know what would be fun? If we had some hash." Cliff said after he finished his hotdog. "I wish." Me and Rachel said at the same time. We both looked at each other and laughed. "Great minds think alike." I said getting a marshmallow for my s'more ready.

Lars, James, and Dave were already making theirs. Kirk and Rachel sat next to each other roasting their marshmallows. "This place is kinda boring. Glad I met you guys." I said to Cliff. He nodded as we sat next to each other and roasted our marshmallows.

I leaned onto him. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. His body heat warmed my cold body. I felt someone's eyes on us but didn't look. We assembled our s'mores and ate.  I looked over to see whose eyes were on us. Dave Mustaine's fiery eyes looked at me. I smiled and looked away. "I gotta piss." Cliff said, standing up and handing me his jacket.

I put it on and sat there roasting two marshmallow for me and Cliff. Dave sat by me. "So you and Cliff?" He asked, grabbing some of the denim jacket. I pushed his hand off. "No. What makes you jealous?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He chuckled. "What if it does?" He said looking into my eyes. "Well then. That must suck." I said, shrugging my shoulders. He smiled and walked back to where he was sitting.

I was eating my s'more as Cliff got back. I tried to hand him his jacket but he refused. "Keep it for the night. You're cold aren't you?" he said putting it back on me. I handed him the s'more he took it and ate it. I leaned into him again as he wrapped his arm around me.

?? Pov

I sat there and watched Dave and Ember flirting. He's just gonna play her. I had half a mind to pound him. I wanted her. I wanted her to be my girl. She was so sweet and beautiful. I want her to be my girl. I want to treat her right.

I walked away before Dave could get back. I watched Ember as Cliff came up to her and let her have his jacket. He never does that. He loves his denim. Dave and Cliff both have their hands on her. I might as well give up.

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