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"Hey mother fuckers!" He said walking towards us. "James, you're wet!" I said standing up to get him a towel.

As I got up he shook his hair and the water flung on me. I laughed as he soaked me with his rain water.

I aimed for his legs and tackled him to the ground. He tried to fight me off but I put him in a headlock. "SAY UNCLE!" I yelled, squeezing tighter. "UNCLE!" He yelled.

I let go and tried to get up and walk away but he grabbed my waist and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder. "JAMES! Let me go!" I yelled, hitting his head.

He pushed me over his shoulder, dropping me on the floor. Everyone gasped as I hit the floor. James turned around scared I was hurt.

I got up and punched him in the shoulder. "Nice moves." I said walking away and sitting down next to Cliff again like nothing happened. Kirk and Amy stared at me with wide eyes. Cliff Lars and Rachel had smiles on their faces.

"Where'd you get those moves?" Cliff asked. "My brother did wrestling and is in the army right now. He taught me a thing or two." I said winking at him.

"So what are we playing?" James asked, looking at me with his blue eyes. "Poker." I said grabbing the cards that weren't stacked. I shuffled and dealt the cards.

I had a decent hand but for his face Cliff and Lars had better cards. "Fold." I said laying my cards down. Dave and James followed.

Cliff had a flush straight. Lars only had four of a kind so he threw his cards at the floor and got up. "This is stupid!" He said getting up and storming out.

We all laughed as he threw a fit. After it wasn't funny anymore I got up and headed towards the door. "Where are you going?" Rachel asked, looking at me.

"I just want to go enjoy the rain." I said opening the door. I walked out and saw Lars sitting on the steps letting the rain pour on him. "You're gonna get sick if you sit out here for very long." I said standing behind him.

He looked back at me. "I don't really care." He said standing up and walking off. I ran to catch up with him. "You know you overreacted. But sometimes our tempers get the best of us." I said walking beside him.

He scoffed and shook his head. "What do you know about temper? You are always so calm and easy going." He said, looking at me.

"I haven't always been like this. I've been kicked out of 4 schools for getting in fights and yelling at my teachers. I mean sometimes I still freak out on people. Last time I got kicked out of a school and my mom whooped my ass till I was bleeding. I know it sounds horrible but I have a high pain tolerance. After that I decided to quit my shit and control my temper more. It's hard but you get used to it." I said, staring at the ground.

He stopped walking and I stopped and turned around to look at him. He looked at me, water pouring onto us. We stared at each other. Not saying anything just looking.

Thunder boomed, making me flinch and cover my head. I put my arms down again and Lars engulfed me in a hug. His arms wrapped around me and held me tightly.

Thunder boomed again making me move slightly but Lars's hug held me safe. I felt comfortable in his hug. He let go and looked away. "Sorry I shouldn't have done tha-" he said before I cut him off hugging him again.

He slowly wrapped his arms around me again. I pulled back and brought his face to mine giving him a kiss on the cheek. He stared into my eyes as I looked into his.

Thunder boomed through the air again making me jump back and look at the sky. "Wanna dance?" I asked, holding out my hands. He looked at me like I was the strange one.

"Fine." I said putting my hands at my side. I spun around in the rain as it poured down. I closed my eyes and let the rain hit my face. I looked back to where Lars was standing but he was gone.

I shrugged it off and continued to spin in the rain till I heard the slam of a door.

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