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Ember Pov

Cliff held me as the night closes in. "Camper, you have a curfew of 10! We'll be getting up at 6 tomorrow! Good night!" The older man yelled as he walked towards his cabin. Rachel looked at her watch. "It's only 8. We got 2 more hours." She then cuddling up to Kirk more. I giggled seeing Kirk all red but calm with her. They're cute together I thought.

I gave Cliff his jacket back and moved down closer to the fire. Most the other kids went back to their cabins. The fire was huge. James came and sat by me. "What's it like In Washington? I want to go." He asked.

"Well it's pretty rainy there. I really miss that. I love rain. I'd avoid bigger cities. I miss living there. I had to move 4 years ago. I still see my friends and my moms side nana. My dads side granny died when I was little. It is very beautiful there though. Hell, maybe we could all take a road trip there." I said. "That'd be awesome." He said.

"Where are you from?" I asked, turning my head to look at him. "Downey. It's here in Cali." He said, looking at me. The fire lit up his blonde waves beautifully. His blue eyes glistened in the fireside light. I looked away and at the fire.

"Hey doesn't your name mean like fire?" He said looking at me, "It means 'A piece of burning wood or coal in a dying fire'." I said looking at him.

He smiled at me. "That's beautiful. How'd your parents come up with that?" He asked. "Well my mom has a friend named Amber. She was trying her name and misspelled it spelling it Ember. She looked it up in the dictionary and decided it would be the name of her daughter. Well that's what she told me but who knows." I said, shrugging my shoulders. I laidback on the grass and stared at the stars.

Soon our whole group was doing it. Kirk held Rachel's hand. We stared at the star and talked until we had to go to our cabins. We said goodbye and headed out different ways. I climbed in bed and passed out.

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