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As I went back to my cabin I bumped into someone. He was about Twelve or so and had a blonde bowl cut. "Sorry kid." I said, giving him a hand. "It's cool." He said as I pulled him up.

"Ember." I said, putting out my hand to shake. "Kurt." He said, shaking my hand. I smiled at him and he smiled at me.

I walked back to my cabin. I walked in and saw Rachel and Kirk in the cabin together. She was giggling as she sat on Kirk's lap and he was tickling her. "You guys are so dumb." I said sniffling and climbing in my bunk.

They both rolled their eyes. "What's wrong with you?" Rachel asked. "Fucking Carla!" I yelled, starting to cry again. "I went to take a shower and change. When I got out my clothes were gone. She took them and threw them in the river all because of Dave. The shirt she let float away was the one my dead friend bought me. I CAN'T EVER GET THAT SHIRT BACK!" I yelled.

Rachel came over and gave me a hug. "When I went to confront her she just laughed. I was going to beat the shit out of her but Cliff held me back. I mean I should be thankful but like that just pissed me off." I said crying into her shoulder. "Well calm down and go talk to him." she said, still holding me.

I let go and tried to stop crying. After a couple minutes I quit crying. I was still sniffling but no more tears came out of my eyes. I walked out and went to find Cliff.

Sorry this was short but the next chapter I want to be really long.

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