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Cliff looked around the cabin before pulling out a tin can with chocolate truffles all over it. He opened it and pulled out a cigarette and a lighter.

He saw me staring at his cigarette. He pulled a few more out, "Want one?" he said his classic smirk on his face. "Hell yeah!" I said, snatching one out of his hands.

I put it in my mouth as he lit the lighter. He lit his before making me lean over Lars's lap to light mine. I took a puff releasing the smoke into the air. "Thanks man." I said, closing my eyes as the taste of the cig lingered in my mouth. Cliff nodded, standing up and grabbing something.

I laid on my back as I puffed the cig. "You know my mom would kill me if she saw the shit I do. Hell me hanging out with a bunch of boys would kill her. Let alone ones that have the same music taste. She'd be a pissed mother fucker." I said I finished the cig.

I spit on my finger and put it out. Cliff held out his hand, I gave it to him and he put it in the tin. "So the reason your mom sent you here was to have preppy friends?" Lars asked. "Yup in her words 'I'm tired of you always hanging out with no good boys and listening to devil music!'. No matter how much I tell her to listen to the meaningful lyrics she won't listen." I said laying on my back again.

"What does your dad think?" He asked. "He's like me but not like Black Sabbath and that kind of rock. He likes Led Zeppelin and bands like that. My mom divorced him because he was 'rotting my brain' with rock. My dad is kinda a hippie. Not like your racist asshole normal hippie but he believes in spirits and the whole Earth stuff. If it were my choice I'd live with him." I said this time sitting up to look at Lars.

His green eyes showed genuine interest in what I was saying. I stared at them as I talked. He nodded.

"My dad taught me tennis but when I told him I was more fond of music he bought me the drum set I wanted. He's always been very supportive." He said as his accent really caught his words. It had always been there but for some reason it rang in my head like bells this time.

"I'm bored, let's play something fun." Dave said stretch his long legs out. "Let's play truth or dare." Lars said. "What are you 10?" I said, rolling my eyes. "What about dare or dirty dare?" Dave said, looking at me before looking away.

"Bro it's 4 guys and 1 girl. That's kinda weird." Kirk said. "I'll get Rachel." I said getting up. "Find another girl that's not half bad." Dave said. I nodded and walked out.

The rain still poured down drenching me again. I walked to my cabin guessing she was in there. When I walked in there were groups of girls everywhere. I found Rachel and another counselor.

"Hey! Where were you?" Rachel asked, seeing me standing in front of her drenched. "Oh I forgot to ask you if I could go hang out with the dumb- dumbos." I caught myself before saying dumbasses because the other counselor was staring at me.

"Oh well I figured you were there so I didn't bother. You're one of the only girls I don't have to be on 24/7." Rachel said, looking around at all the chatting girls. "Haha yeah. Oh right ok so why I came back is they want you and someone I find to come play poker with us." I emphasized poker to show it wasn't actually poker.

"Hey Mary, do you mind if I go play?" Rachel asked the girl behind her. "No, it's cool." Mary said, walking away. "Ok let's go to the other girls cabin." Rachel said trying to drag me away.

"Wait I'm gonna grab my jacket." I said running to my bunk. The girl that slept under was in front of where I get up on my bunk with a group of girls. "Hey can you move really fast? My jacket is just on my bed." I said. They all laughed and rolled their eyes.

"HEY!" I yelled, getting their attention. "I asked you to please move." I said flashing a fake smile. "I know, but I'm not moving for a devil worshiper."

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