Chapter 5

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"So, how is the whole Sebastian thing going?"

"For Merlin's sake Cressida, would you keep it down! I knew I shouldn't have come to the Gryffindor table" I pushed her away.

"What is this I hear about you not liking Gryffindor's" Garreth sat in front of me.

"That's not at all what I said, not even close," I laughed, watching the red-headed boy sit down.

Natty sat on the other side of me, "What's the occasion?"

Cressida responded for me, "She just felt like ditching her Slytherin friends, I mean can you blame her."

I rolled my eyes, "I just needed to talk to Cressida about something, but now that I see she's not helping, I might as well go back to my table."

Cressida laughed, "I'll help. What do you need?"

"I need help with the divination homework-"

"Wait." She immediately cut me off. "So this isn't about a certain brown-haired boy who hasn't stopped staring over here since you arrived?"

"Cressida!!!" I shook her, hoping she would shut up.

"What? I am curious as to how that's going." She started eating the food in front of her.

I looked over at the Slytherin table, just as Cressida had described, I could see Sallow looming over here, but just as we made eye contact, he looked away.

I'd lie if I didn't admit making eye contact with him across the room filled me with butterflies.

"Is he actually staring at me?" I asked Cressida quietly.

"He's in love with you. Of course, he is" She said mockingly while munching on a giant turkey leg.

I sighed, "Can you please just help me with divination?"

She swallowed and nodded.


I walked with Garreth to potions class. I was somewhat hoping I had a hard time again with my assignment so Sebastian would come to my aid. As I walk in, the room swoons with a familiar smell. Garreth also starts sniffing the air like a hound.

Professor sharp was brewing something in his station.

It smelled husky, but I could also smell a faint scent of ginger. The smell was honestly stimulating.

"What do you think we are brewing today?" Poppy joined us. "It smells rather nice"

"Agreed" Another student joined us in the middle of the class.

Suddenly we were all in a circle trying to decipher the mystery potion that professor Sharp was stirring.

"I think it's nice that it smells like candy floss"...A student mentioned.

"Candy floss? That's absurd it smells rather fruity." Another student mentioned.

Suddenly everyone had a different opinion on the smell.

I was so focused on the debacle that I hadn't noticed Sebastian joining the group.

He stands next to me in the circle of people talking over each other. I'd be lying if I said I didn't immediately notice the intimacy of him and me being shoulder to shoulder. Even in a room full of people I couldn't help just focusing on that.

Sebastian laughs at the topic of discussion. His laugh was always pleasing to hear.

"This might be an odd thing to say..." He turns to me slightly, "But it sorta smells like you"

Poppy lunges at me and sniffs me, "What? Not at all!"

"Settle down class!" Professor Sharp starts the class, "Everyone, please sit down"

I sit down and open up my book. Garreth comes close to me and sniffs me just like Poppy did.

I shoved him away and laugh quietly, "Quit it"

He just flashes a smile at me.

"Turn to page 139" Sharp instructed.

We all instinctively did as we were told. And in bold letters, the subject of todays class was written on top of the page.

I heard a gasp from one of the students, "Amortentia?"

I read the first few sentences, "A love potion?"

The whole class erupts into laughter. Everyone turns to Sebastian.

I look around the room somewhat confused.

"What's so funny?" I direct myself at Garreth, who also joined in on the laughter.

"Everyone knows Amortentia smells of the one you love" He said shaking his head.


I turned around to Sebastian, who must have been on fire by the way he was blushing.

...if Sebastian said it smelled like me...

He looked up, and we made direct eye contact.

...Sebastian Sallow is in love with me?!...

I turned back to look at Garreth somewhat in panic. Garreth just laughing louder than before.

"Everyone, please. Settle down" Professor Sharp came to our aid. The laughs started to die down.

The class started going on as usual, but I was somewhat frozen in front of my cauldron. I started following instructions, going in and out between being focused on the subject at hand, and being completely derailed by the fact that Sebastian Sallow, the person who's been on my mind all week, could possibly be... in love with me.

Perhaps he said it smelled like me merely as a jest, perhaps he was mistaken... I'm not sure how this love potion thing works, but there must be a possibility that this was all a misunderstanding. But even if it were, it wouldn't take away the fact that the whole class now believed Sebastian was in love with me, which was somehow quite embarrassing for me to bear considering it might now be something that hinders our friendship.

How am I supposed to talk to him now? Or rather, how am I supposed to even look at him? I was frozen right now in fear of turning around and getting a glance at him. Was he still possibly blushing? This all seemed like a big mess.

But at the same time...wouldn't it be nice if it was true that Sebastian Sallow had fallen in love with me. It seemed like such a foreign thought, considering only 10 minutes ago I wouldn't have been able to conjure it up. How could he even fancy me? It's not like he carries my books for me to class or comes up to me as much as he could.

Class ended. And I had succeeded at not once turning around. I simply couldn't. Garreth looked behind us, positively at Sebastian, and then he looked at me.

"There's a lot of opportunities for teasing here" Garreth smiled wickedly at me.

I remained with my head down, getting ready for a quick escape.

"I would rather you didn't" I started making my way out the door.

I was way too embarrassed to face Sebastian. I wouldn't even know what to say. Perhaps the most mature and friendly thing to do would just be to go up to him and pretend nothing happened, perhaps I could save face if I just reassured him it wasn't a big deal, but it was a big deal, perhaps the biggest deal.

And I needed some time to put my head under my pillow and scream. Not sure if out of embarrassment or out of pure, unfiltered joy.


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