Chapter 19

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I had spent the afternoon flying to Brocburrow, from much gossip around the school, I had learned that many people knew about a witch that lived there who was able to make the type of potion...that I so desperately needed.

I had dressed out of my uniform, as I really didn't want the witch to know I was a Hogwarts student, or a student at all for that matter.

Once I arrived to the witch's cottage and knocked politely, after a few seconds she opened the door. A beautiful lady with hair so long it touched the floor, she smiled at me.

"How can I help you?" She greeted me, not opening the door all the way.

I gulped, "I heard about your blue crystal and coal potion"

I thought I'd be met with more judgement, but she didn't even think twice about opening the door for me.

"Now come along" She waved her hand at me to enter.

I looked around, her home was filled with potion making ingredients, herbs, cauldrons, glassware. I had never seen such a home.

"The potion will cost you 350 galleons" She started rummaging through boxes of potions.

My wandering had abruptly stopped as she said what she said, and I came back to face the ridiculous conundrum I was facing right now.

I pulled out my bag of galleons, "I'll take one"

How expensive of a mistake. Sebastian's mistake. Although I didn't know at this point if it was a mistake or completely on purpose. That absolute cunt.

She finally pulled out the potion and placed it on a table in front of me, "Just one sip of this and you and your husband won't have to worry about another addition to the family"

The way she worded it made me feel faint, I was probably pale as a ghost, I grabbed the potion and laid the galleons on the table.

"Thank you" I started making my way out.

"Come back soon!" She said handling the galleons.

As soon as I walked out I walked to a desolate corner of the town where I was sure nobody could see me, utterly embarrassed, I took a sip of the potion.

I felt less anxious already.

I would be lying if I said I hadn't at some point imagined a life where Sebastian and I lived in a cozy little town, and had a cute little family. But even acknowledging that made me feel embarrassed. I surely didn't want to get pregnant, not at this very moment at least.

Sebastian on the other hand, by the way he didn't even care about what he did, or even rushed me to get a potion for it, seemed like he wouldn't mind impregnating me. In fact, if I didn't know him any better, I'd say the idea seemed to turn him on.

A lost cause he is.

I flew back to the castle feeling a weight off my shoulders. And I could finish the week not having to worry about any of that.

—And I was thrilled to finish the week, since the weekend meant going with Sebastian to Feldcroft, and spending lots of time with him.

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