Chapter 6

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Sebastian POV

I look up, and she's out of the class already. This quite possibly could go down as the single most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me. Even more embarrassing than when that upperclassman casted a slug-vomiting charm on me last semester. And where was someone like Ominis when I needed them the most?

All I had was Weasley and Imelda shooting me looks across the room. I knew that what they wanted the most was to spread the word around the school: Hogwarts' former top duelist troublemaker in love with the new talk of the town fifth year.

I walked out of the class before Imelda could catch up to me (for obvious reasons), and made my way to the only place I could count on being alone, the undercroft.

I crossed my fingers that Ominis would be there, as I walked there I felt stares coming in from everyone. I knew it was silly to think that the whole school already knew about the grand confession of love of a 5th year in potions class. But it surely felt like everyone knew already.

What could she be thinking right now? She walked out of the classroom so quickly perhaps in an attempt to avoid me. My heart sank at the thought of her purposely trying to avoid me.

Perhaps best not to think about any of this.

I walked into an empty undercroft. No Ominis in sight. do I escape my thoughts right now...

I started conjuring spells far and wide, breaking vases and casting incendio at every wall I could possibly see. I felt angry at myself. I could no longer pretend to understand myself and the feelings I'd been feeling for the last couple of days.

Focus Sebastian. You have more important things to worry about than some girl.

But how can I not think about the girl, if she's all everyone ever talks about anymore. Everyone constantly raving about how she's helped them out in some way, or how she's gifted in something. It would be impossible to go on one day in this school without hearing her name.

What will I do about this?

I know that Ominis would probably be somewhat helpful, but perhaps I needed a more girlish point of view on the matter. And there could be room for regret, but I think I will be paying Imelda a visit for some advice.

I hope she doesn't taunt me to death.


I went to the common room hoping Imelda was there being a nuisance. Luckily for me, she was.

"How could you all possibly think a mermaid will come up to say hi to you, could you all be any more gullible?" She was mocking some first years who were looming out the window.

"As if you didn't also believe so when you were a first-year" I announced my presence.

She turned to me with crossed arms, "If it isn't the face of today's scandal"

"Get your taunts out now, I need your advice on precisely the matter" I sat down on one of the chairs.

"You need advice? From me?" Imelda sounded incredibly surprised.

"Yes, considering you are a girl and I need—girl advice" I huffed somewhat defeated.

Imelda smiled widely and sat next to me, "So I take it you are madly in love with y/n then"

I crossed my arms, "I never said anything about being in love"

Imelda pursed her lips, "Well, but it's clear that you fancy her. The amortentia made sure of airing that out to everyone with ears"

"I know, and now I'm not sure how to approach y/n without looking like a complete fool" I responded. "I'm not even sure if she would still want to be friends with me after that, I'm afraid she's avoiding me"

Imelda thought for a second, "I feel like you could use this as an opportunity to figure out if she feels the same way"

Imelda actually being helpful and giving me advice? I never thought I'd see the day.

"How would I do that?" I questioned.

"I'm not sure, all I know is that avoiding each other will not lead to any positives" She affirmed.

She was right, I couldn't let too much time pass by; what if she also started to believe I was avoiding her? Plus I surely didn't want to seem like a coward, I surely had to step up and at least seem like I was unfazed.

"Maybe you should send her an owl, and ask her to join you in doing a chore. That way you can talk to her and perhaps cut the tension short" Imelda proposed.

Imelda had probably come up with the best solution. In all my years at Hogwarts she had never been the voice of reason, but at this moment I could have hugged her. (More I think about it I'd rather not)

"I'll get started on my owl now," I said already shooting up from my seat. "Thanks, Imelda!" I concluded while already halfway through the room.

Now, what should the excuse to talk to her be? ' I need to run an errand at Hogsmeade. Please join me?' No, Hogsmeade will be filled with students on a Friday afternoon I'm sure. 'I lost something in the nearby lake, please accompany me to fetch it' No that sounds like a lie, which it would be but I don't want it to sound like it is.

I needed this to be coated with truth, for it to work. So I thought about a cave students talked about a few weeks ago; it was nearby inside the Forrest. Knowing how much y/n likes adventure, perhaps this would seem like a plausible request.

I have gotten a hold of the location of a secret cave nearby, I was hoping you would join me since everyone else seems too scared to go in it. Meet me in front of the library at 7'

And there it went. Hopefully, she will meet me. If not, I think I'll hex Imelda for suggesting the idea.


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