Chapter 7

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I ran down the corridor chasing a key flying away from me. Keys that fly. Just a typical day at Hogwarts.

"Sorry!" I yelled after bumping into someone; what a clutz. Before I knew it, the key had left my field of vision. I had lost it.

I stood there catching my breath for a second. My hands were placed on my knees, and I looked down at the ground. My day was not going as nicely as I had intended.

After this morning's incident with the Amortentia, everyone seemed to be having a good giggle at me in the hallways. Why was it even a big deal? I reckon wizards aren't immune to gossip.

I hadn't seen Sebastian since, which left me some time to process what had transpired. I decided not to give any further thought to it, and simply leave my future self to deal with it.

Suddenly, I heard wings flapping, and an owl dropped a note in front of me. I wasn't quick enough to grab it midair, so I kneeled to pick it up from the ground. Who could it be? Maybe another peer asking for aid with something.

I have gotten a hold of the location of a secret cave nearby, I was hoping you would join me since everyone else seems too scared to go in it. Meet me in front of the library at 7.


I must have swallowed a fly with how my mouth flung opened. I couldn't process it. Sebastian sent me an owl? He's acting as if absolutely nothing happened. And now there's a chance for us to see each other again...perhaps a bit sooner than I was mentally prepared for.

By how he reacted in potions class, I thought he wouldn't bare to talk to me for at least a week, but here he was, completely unfazed. I was foolish to believe someone like Sallow would bat an eye at something like this. He wouldn't lose his cool so quickly—a true Slytherin.

I looked at his note, beautiful handwriting, undoubtedly more excellent than mine. Quite unforeseen. But he was Sallow after all, he's always full of surprises. I placed the note in my cloak's pocket. where did that sneaky key fly to...


It was 15 to 7, I was making my way to the spot where Sebastian said we should meet. I couldn't help but feel a pit in my stomach. Would this be uncomfortable? I'm surely overthinking it. He said we would find a secret cave, so that's all there is to it. Nothing else to it. Right?

As I walked up to the entrance of the library, there he stood, from where I could see him, I could only catch a glimpse of his back, he was leaning on his side on a wall. I was almost expecting him to turn around as I got closer but he didn't.

I approached, and poked his shoulder, he quickly turned to me, a bit unnerved.

"Y/ made it" As he spoke a smile started to appear on his face.

"As soon as I heard secret and cave I knew I couldn't miss it" I smiled back at him.

"Come along then" he immediately guided for me to follow him.

We started walking side by side.

"So how'd you find out about this cave?" I tried to direct the conversation.

"A group of year 7ths wouldn't shut up about it, they seemed to have figure out the location, but they were all too cautious to explore it" He responded.

"Should I be worried?" I inquired.

"Not if you're with me" He sounded smug with his answer.

I couldn't help but crack a smile at that, "Alright I'll take it easy then, let you do all the protecting this once"

Amortentia || Sebastian Sallow x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now