Chapter 9

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After our little venture, Sebastian and I returned to Hogwarts, holding each other's hands and discussing barely important things. We talked about academics, I told him about how close I was to opening the mysterious chest in our common room, and he told me about a funny thing that happened with him and Ominis the other day.

When we returned to the castle, we sneaked back in, hoping nobody would see us coming back at such hours, wet and disheveled.

We made it to our common room; we started making our way down the stairs. At this point no longer holding each other's hands. And trying to act as normal as possible in case someone was around.

"I'll walk you to your room." Sebastian whispered.

"Alright" I whispered back.

And he did. He walked me to my door, and before I entered, he wrapped his hands around me and gave me a long tight hug. My face got buried in his neck, and he smelled husky...with a tint of...ginger, right? A familiar. Very familiar smell. Much like the...amortentia in the morning...

How funny.

If I had realized such a thing back then, I probably would have been as obtuse as Sallow this morning when he announced to the whole class that he had feelings for me.

Now that we are in this embrace, I realize this was true. Even though I still wanted to ask him about it, I wanted to hear it from him. I know you kissed me, basically undressed in front of me, etc, but am I more than a friend to you? I must be...right? How annoying of me to even be questioning this.

"G'night" He mumbled into my hair with a sleepy tone.

"Goodnight, Sebastian" I muttered back.

And then, I slowly and quietly sneaked into my room.


The very next day, I had herbology first thing in the morning. I probably had spent an hour in front of the mirror—Imelda behind my shoulder with crossed arms.

"I've never seen you behave like this" She said with an interesting tone.

I kept trying to fix my hair, "I suppose I want to look proper today"

Imelda raised an eyebrow, "Interesting."

She kept staring at me, for an uncomfortable amount of time.

"Can I help you?" I looked over at her, "Do you need the mirror?"

"No. Just intrigued" She had a sneaky smirk on her face, which had me utterly confused.

I wonder what Imelda is going on about now. But I was too worried about looking nice for herbology, especially because a certain brown-haired boy was in that class.

I finished getting ready and made my way to class. No sign of the boy anywhere.

I wondered if he was going to be late as always. Although now that I think about it, him waking up early with Ominis, yet always making it to the first class of the day late made no sense. What was he always doing in the mornings before class?

Something to think about.

I got to the class and looked around, no Sebastian. Great. How am I supposed to sit with Sebastian if there is no Sebastian to sit with?

Amortentia || Sebastian Sallow x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now