Chapter 13

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Two years later

On the train to Hogwarts, another school year was about to commence. I was in the cabin with familiar faces, all talking about how their summer break had gone.

I gazed out the window with a smile on my face. I always was happy to return to Hogwarts. The halls of the vast castle always made me feel at home. More than my own home could ever.

I was excited to see my friends again, Imelda, Ominis, Garreth... so many people I was looking forward to talking to again.

And just looking around, it seemed like the summer air had really changed some faces. Valeria looked different now, much more mature. And Cressida, who was right in front of me, had a much more womanly figure now. I wondered for a minute if I had also been a victim of such changes.

It took us hours to make it to the castle, and once we did, we all made our way to our common rooms with all of our bags and luggage.

I stood in front of my new room, staring at the shiny plaque in front labeled for year 7s: our final year at Hogwarts.

I walked in and saw Imelda Reyes already organizing her stuff.

"Imelda!" I lunged at her and gave her a hug. Even though I know Imelda abhorred hugs more than anything.

"It's nice to see you but get off of me" She froze.

"Sorry it's just so nice to see you again, I missed Hogwarts an awful lot this break" I said starting to unpack.

"Oddly I did too" She admitted.

Once I was done unpacking I walked into the main area of our common room, to see if I could spot anyone else.

I saw Ominis talking to Nerida and I made my way to them.

"Well look who it is" Nerida said as I approached.

"It's nice to see both of you again" I didn't want to gush about how much I had missed them.

"Hello, y/n, I don't suppose you'll want to join me later for our annual prank on the 1st years" Ominis smiled.

"Are we telling them they might see a mermaid by the window?" I laughed.

"As per tradition" Ominis nodded.

We started talking about the upcoming sorting ceremony, and how excited we were to see old and new faces.

Suddenly Nerida had her eyes fixed behind me and went rather quiet suddenly.

I turned around to see what she was staring at.

It was Sebastian Sallow walking down the stairs, most likely towards us.

I just stared at him, we made eye contact, and it seemed like the world stopped for a second, he looked taller, and overall just bigger, had he been working out? His shoulders were slightly broader, his energy completely different.

What had the break done to Sebastian?

"Hello, Sebastian" Nerida said as he approached.

I turned to her, she was holding her hands together, her cheeks rosy red, and her attitude changed.

Since when was Nerida so nervous around Sebastian?

Sebastian joined us.

"Hi Nerida" He smiled at her, then he turned to me somewhat looking down, "And hi y/n."

"Hello" I said awkwardly. A mood change that Ominis and many people by now knew well.

Ever since the events that happened in our 5th year, Sallow and I's friendship had been odd. We weren't exactly as close as we once were. Even though we still hung out a lot together, mostly because all of our friends were mutual friends.

But whenever we spoke to each other, there was always some awkward undertone. Like we were both afraid to talk to each other. During our 6th year, I couldn't recall having a conversation with him alone, we kind of drifted apart.

But even with us drifting apart, there was still something I felt for him, I mean, how couldn't I still feel something after all that we went through? He was my first kiss, my first date. I adored him so much in the past that I allowed him to do the crucio curse on me. I stood by him even with everything that happened.

I couldn't blame him for what he did. I also dabbled in the dark arts. And I also had killed people, all those loyalists and poachers I took down. I wasn't any saint next to Sebastian.

I wish I could have helped him more with all the guilt he probably carried this past year. But I didn't know how to approach him anymore.

"How was your break" Sebastian's voice interrupted my subconscious.

I could have sworn he was talking to Nerida, but he, in fact, was turned to me, looking somewhat nervous.

"Uh—it was good, although I was ready to come back to Hogwarts" I responded, looking up at him.

He had definitely gotten taller. And now, taking a good look at him, even his factions had gotten slightly more masculine.

He smiled sheepishly, "Good to hear."

I turned away from him immediately, hoping he wouldn't see my embarrassingly pink cheeks. Perhaps Nerida did, but thank Merlin, Ominis couldn't.

Soon after, we attended the sorting ceremony, and everything went well.

The first week of class was great. It was important that I did well this year as we soon would have to take the N.E.W.T.

I decided that this year I'd focus on academics more than the usual exploring and adventure I like doing. (Maybe)

I couldn't help but realize that in classes, sometimes I could catch Sallow staring my way. Little glances and innocent smiles being shot across the room. I wasn't sure what it meant; perhaps he wanted to be friends again. I wouldn't oppose the idea.

I missed him dearly. So dearly, in fact, that I still wore the necklace he gave me on our first date. Under my shirt, of course, I didn't want him to think I was still hung up on the past.

Although to be truthful, I sort of was.





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