Chapter 30

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I wake up, the morning sunlight warming my skin as I stretch out on my bed. I look to my right only to be met with beautiful lilies on my bed side table.

I didn't have to think long and hard about who brought those to me. It must have been Garreth, he was the only one with a key to my room.

It had been months since Sebastian and I broke up, so to speak. At first I called it a breakup, as did most of those who spoke of that sweet gossip. Yet, the more I thought of it, I don't recall all those moments as a relationship, it was more like an experience.

The thoughts drift in my head as I close my eyes again.

Why is it that I so often still think about him.

We will graduate soon, and so much for all the important moments I thought I'd share with...well...him. I don't even want his name on my lips or thoughts or... lips.

What am I saying...

I slowly sat up and looked at the flowers again. Garrett was sweet. We had been seeing each other for a bit, but that was all it was—sweet—almost perfect.

He often brings me flowers, pretty ones he finds himself. 

He isn't possessive or even jealous.

We have never even gotten close to an argument, even when I seemed to be looking for one.

Garreth is... sweet. Just sweet. 

I get dressed slowly, painfully slowly, I don't brush my hair, I walk out of my room, my own room, and make my way to the main room of the common room.

I have my own room now. A few weeks back, one of the prefect rooms became available, and although Imelda fought tooth and nail to get this private room, they decided to give it to the student with the most house points.

Fair right? Naturally, it was me.

I spot Ominis and Imelda across the room, Instinctively I make my way to them, that is until I spot another head talking to them. I couldn't even tell who it was, yet, I take no chances. 

Even if it's not him, I turn and walk to the other side of the room, picking up a cup of morning tea that was left to take. 

I talk to nobody the whole morning, I felt heavy, tired, I had turned more serious, perhaps I was maturing, or perhaps this is what adults say growing up feels like, dull.

As I walked through the halls, I was half expecting Garreth to come and walk with me as he does every morning, but this morning he had flying practice. Was it wrong to say that I didn't mind? I didn't feel that hole in my chest at his absence the way I used to with him.

As I walk, I see Imelda catch up to me.

"Slightly bad form for you to ignore us almost daily now" She says in a tone I have come to love. 

I don't even look at her, "Well he was there."

Imelda clicks her tongue in annoyance, "He, had morning detention. We were actually bullying Nerida in a deliciously cathartic manner that I'm almost positive you would have enjoyed."

I press my lips together in a pensive way. 

"Not to mention, Ominis let us mess his hair up this morning, it was quite a sight" Imelda chuckled, thinking of the fresh memory.

"Shame I missed the party" I say while dozing off.

Imelda catches the lack of enthusiasm, but she doesn't say much about it. She has grown used to it.

"Where's the boyfriend today?" She changes the topic.

I blink quickly at the mention of the word, "Garreth? He's doing extra flight training" 

Imelda doesn't react much, "Interesting... honestly good for him... the boy can't fly for troll shit"

She gets a chuckle out of me.

Immediately Imelda's eyes light up, a small win in her book, "Y/n..."

I turn to her, noticing the intensity in her voice, "What is it?"

She looks down for a split second, I could tell she was apprehensive to say whatever she was about to say, "It's almost the end of the year... I know we have lots of exams but... there will be lots of parties as well"

"I am aware..." I wasn't sure where she was going with it.

Imelda continues, "Please come to the parties... even if Sebastian is there" 

His name stings. The same name that would fill my mouth with a taste as sweet as honey now sounds so bitter.

"Don't miss out on being with your friends just because of your ex," Imelda almost pleads, a raw statement that speaks more about how much it has affected her to have me back away from them because of him.

"He's not my ex..." I said, almost wishing I could take that title. "And ok, sure. I will go to the parties"

Imelda smiles, "There's a party this Friday, every senior is sneaking out to the woods... alcohol will be provided by courtesy of some Hufflepuffs"

I roll my eyes and smile, "That house is always hosting the parties..."

"Hey, don't undermine that one crazy party in the cave that the Ravenclaws threw, okay?" She giggles.

I chuckle, "I wish I didn't... " 

At that party, Garreth was all over me. I kept looking to see if Sebastian was there, but he never showed up. 

My smile fades at the memory.

We walk up the stairs, my mind lost in thought as Imelda keeps talking. My breath hitches as he walks towards us and down the stairs. His hair was messy and lighter than usual. Had he been going out in the sun a lot? His sleeves were rolled up, and his expression was... expressionless.

He walked right next to me, I could even for a split second, perhaps I imagined it, his body heat. He was so close, yet he didn't bother looking up, his gaze on his steps the whole way down.

I wonder if he was as painfully aware of my presence as I was of his.

He probably isn't. 

Considering he changed most of his classes to not be in mine. 

I barely even see him anymore.

One thing was sure, as Imelda mentioned, he would probably be at that party on Friday.

And for a moment I dreaded the fact that I would be most likely attending with Garreth Weasly...

... instead of with him.

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