Chapter 16

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Sebastian POV

"You're not going to dinner?" Ominis asked.

"Not really feel like it" I lay in bed staring at the ceiling.

"Is there something wrong?" Ominis sat on his bed, which was next to mine.

I furrowed my brows, not really knowing what to say. I had just spent an hour in class staring at y/n, batting her eyes at Garreth Weasley. Garreth fucking Weasley.

"I think y/n fancies Weasley" I said, clenching my jaw.

Ominis fell speechless for a moment. "I wasn't aware you were still infatuated with her."

I sat up, "Is that really what you find shocking from what I just told you"

"Sebastian, you are grasping gilly weeds if you think y/n has any interest in Garreth" Ominis said.

I pondered for a moment, "She spent most of muggle studies twirling her hair and caressing his greasy unkempt hair" I barely could speak that sentence without absolutely wanting to scream into my pillow.

Ominis laughed a bit at my tormented expression, "Oh, you're absolutely clueless."

"What do you mean clueless?" I spewed at him.

"Sebastian, I know it's hard for you, but try to think for a second. Why would y/n be flirting with Garreth exclusively in the class where you sit right behind her?" Ominis laughed and got up from his bed.

"Are you saying she's trying to get my attention?" My eyes followed him as he made his way to the door.

"Meet me at the undercroft at 9 pm tonight" He left without saying anything else.

I was incredibly muddled. It wasn't like Ominis to leave a conversation midway. It just left me feeling even more upset.

I laid back down and kept trying to keep my head together. I didn't get up or go to dinner at all.

But I did get up to go see Ominis. I didn't know what his deal was, but perhaps he was meaning to take my mind off of y/n. Or perhaps there was something important that he wanted to talk about.

I headed over and walked in.

I was obviously expecting Ominis, but I got welcomed by quite the opposite of what I needed.

Y/n was standing in the middle of the room. She looked up and went pale, clearly looking as stunned as I was.

"Sebastian?" She greeted me.

I walked over apprehensively, "Ominis told me to meet him here."

She looked absolutely bewildered, "He told me that as well."

Why would Ominis-

I heard a loud clank, and it made both her and I turn toward the entrance gate. There Ominis stood, locking the gate with a giant lock.

"Ominis? What are you doing?!" I ran towards the gate.

"I'm leaving you both here till morning, long enough so you sort things out," He said, "And alohomora won't work, I've charmed this lock" He started walking up the stairs.

"Ominis, wait!" Y/n yelled.

But Ominis left us there in the undercroft.

I turned to y/n, who was looking at me, completely speechless.

"He surely won't leave us here all night" I said nervously.

"How are we going to be here all night? Is he absolutely mad?" She dismissed what I had said, "What do we do?"

We started casting every spell we had ever learned at the gate and lock, but who knows what type of charm Ominis had used on them. We couldn't figure it out.

At this point, I was sitting on the ground, contemplating the long cold uncomfortable night I was about to have to endure. Meanwhile, y/n was still casting random spells.

"Quit it. Nothing will work, might as well get comfortable" I said, absolutely defeated.

She turned to me and sighed, "Why would Ominis do this? what does he even want us to sort out?"

I also sighed, knowing exactly what Ominis had in mind. And suddenly, his own words started bouncing around my mind; you're so clueless Sebastian, you're so clueless.

But I am most likely the most clueless guy on the whole planet, or at least I feel like it at this very moment, sitting here not knowing what to say or do in front of this girl who I undoubtedly had so much history with.

"I'm not sure what he wants us to sort out" I mumbled. Not even sure if that was the right thing to say.

She walked over slowly and sat right in front of me.

"A whole night..." She whispered, lost in thought. I guess at this point, we were both soaking in the fact.

I stared at her as she looked pensively at a wall. She looked so beautiful, even with that distressed expression she was wearing. But her being right in front of me made me angry again, all the feelings I'd been dealing with all afternoon now, I had to try really hard not to pour out all at once.

When we were 5th years this would have been an ideal situation, locked with y/n for hours in a room with nothing but each other. But right now, I was about to burst a vein just from how frustrated I was. I didn't even want to talk to her after the Weasley thing. And if I wanted to say something, it had to be something about Weasley.

'What the fuck was all that with Weasley?' I imagined asking her. But who was I to even be asking about that?

Jealousy made me a different man.

I was clenching my jaw, trying to hide my frustration.

It was the start of a very, very eventful night.





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