Chapter 8

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Sebastian POV

We were probably inches apart at this point. I felt powerless, smiling like an idiot. What a daring thing to insinuate, whatever it was that she just insinuated. I mean what was I to say to such a bold statement.

'I could start now' And with those words I immediately knew who was in control of the situation. Up to this point, I thought I had done a pretty good job at maintaining my cool. But by now I was just hoping that I could be quick enough with my responses, enough so she wouldn't notice how many times I've had to wipe the sweat off my hands on the side of my trousers.

I felt my heart drop to my stomach. It didn't help that I had lost completely control of my breathing, and by now she had probably realized that I was very...stirred to speak.

But what was I doing being so upfront, I hadn't thought much about the outcome of my words right up until this very moment. The exact moment I realized that whatever weird unfamiliar feeling I was feeling, she was also feeling.

I did what (I convinced myself) any teenager would do. And I started unbuttoning my shirt. Y/n stared quite blatantly. My hands popping each button painfully slowly. Her gaze made me nervous, and I prayed to Merlin she wouldn't realize the slight shakiness of my fingers.

"Close your mouth or you'll swallow a few flies" I couldn't help the remark, considering that at this point y/n was just staring at me in silence.

"Let me enjoy this, I get to steal your tie and your shirt all in one night" She said with a proud grin on her face.

"I never said you'd get to keep my shirt" I kept unbuttoning.

Y/n pouted in an exaggerated manner.

"I mean I'm almost positive your shirt won't fit me, and I'm not coming back to Hogwarts shirtless" I reasoned.

There was a pause from her. I think at this point is when she realized what she had implied with her own words. A trade of attire. I wasn't the only one who got to take off their shirt tonight. The thought of it actually might have hit me at its fullest too.

What on Merlin's name are we doing right now? I could very well panic at all the implications of our proximity right now, and at the fact that I was halfway almost about to get rid of my shirt in front of y/n.

It's not like I was experienced with...anything at all really. I didn't know how these type of things went, I was just sorta going along. But now things seemed real. Was I prepared to do as much as kiss her if the time was right? I'm here undressing yet I could barely even hold her hand without having a mental crisis.

And was I really about to try on a woman's blouse? The thought of it was ridiculous, neither of us had thought of anything this far, considering—

Before I could muster any more derailing thoughts, y/n raised her hands to her collar. One button. Two buttons.

This can't be happening.

I haven't even had my first kiss and here was a girl undressing in front of me. What would anyone else say about this. I was tempted to look around to make sure nobody was around, but that was mindless. We were in the middle of the forrest.

My heart was beating so fast.

We both somehow got done with the last button of our shirts almost at the exact same time. I could sense that both of us were a little apprehensive, I certainly was. I could feel blood rush to my face, my cheeks were probably flushed, I was so nervous, yet a sense of curiosity struck me.

She was the first to drop her shirt back to her shoulders, something that immediately made my knees weak.

"Who's catching flies now" she giggled. And what a reality check. It wasn't like me to be staring directly at a woman while she was doing something like this, but at this point it wasn't my brain controlling my body, it was complete unfamiliar desire.

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