Chapter 21

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Finally Friday.

After a painfully slow week, it was finally time to spend time with Sebastian. I was in class waiting patiently for it to finish, so I could run to the common room and find him.

I was so excited last night, that I decided to pack my bag already, it is right now next to my bed, waiting for me. I stared at the clock in the classroom, watching it as it ticked. I started imagining what Sebastian and I would be doing soon.

I imagine us getting on our brooms, heading to Feldcroft, flying through the pretty mountains together. And then my imagination started doing what it usually did—completely derailing.

How cute would it be if we held hands together as we flew in our brooms? Please that would be so stupid. And how cute would it be if I fell off my broom and he swooped in and caught me? Come on that's entirely impossible.

Then I pictured me falling flat on my face. And him running to help me. How charming would it be if he came to my aid if I got hurt. I wonder how Sebastian would fare in a situation like that, would he be sweet? Would he get angry at me?

There was still a lot I wanted to learn about him.

Class finally ended, and we got dismissed. I walked enthusiastically through the hallways, I was all the way on the other side of the school. So many stairs and so many doors, going outside only to go back in, and all I could think about was Seb—

"Y/n!" A red-headed boy appeared in front of my face.

"Garreth!" I said surprised.

"I was looking for you everywhere" He looked down on me smiling brightly.

"Really?" I said confused.

"Yes, you see, I was wondering, if you, if you possibly, I don't know, if you had any free time, you maybe could-" He struggled.

"If I could...?" I tried to pry out of him.

Garreth breathed in, "If you'd want to go to the three broomsticks with me tonight"

I was speechless. Was he asking me out on a date?

"I mean, a lot of people will be there, Cressida, Natty, Emit, Poppy" He seemed to be trying to make it seem less awkward.

"I would love to, but I sort of already have something planned with Sebastian" I had to turn him down.

Garreth looked visibly dissapointed. His shoulders fell down, and he pressed his lips together, "Alright, not to worry, maybe another time"

He walked away, I started walking to my common room again, feeling a bit sore from the interaction. Is there any possibility that Garreth could actually like me? No, of course not, what am I thinking. He was probably just being polite.

I walked into the common room and I saw Sallow standing over by the window, I walked up to him and poked his shoulder. He turned around and he straightened up his posture upon seeing me.

"Finally, you're a bit late, you know" Sebastian mumbled.

"Just a few minutes late" I shoved him gently.

"Well, every minute without you is unfathomable torture" He shoved me back harder, "Have some empathy here" He crossed his arms.

"You're aggravating" I crossed my arms too.

"You love it." He said, making me flustered, "Let's go get our stuff, I'll meet you back here when you're ready"

I went to my room and grabbed my bag, I paused for a minute, I looked around to see if anyone was in the room, nobody.

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