Chapter 31

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Sebastian POV

The week leading up to the party was a blur. 

The news of Garreth being with Y/n hit me harder than I anticipated. I couldn't shake the feeling of regret and jealousy, even though I was the one who ended things with her. 

Were those dark circles? 

I stood in front of the mirror and gazed at my face for perhaps too long, good thing nobody was around.

I assessed every crease, every hair on my chin that I missed while shaving. I look at my tired, eyes and let out a long sigh I had been holding in.

When was the last time I had a good night's sleep?

Its not like I had nightmares, in fact, I hadn't had a dream in a while. I simply kept waking up tired no matter how much sleep I got. 

As Friday approached, the anticipation of the party was making me sick. Imelda's words about Y/n attending lingered in the air. I knew I had to face her eventually.

I've been completely avoiding her... how mature of me.

I changed my schedule in hopes of seeing her as little as possible.

It made me feel pathetic how little I could control my emotions. Pathetic. If anyone knew how much of an emotional wreck I was, perhaps I would never be taken seriously again.

Time was a blur, but soon enough it was Friday. 

I found myself standing outside the entrance to the hidden path leading to the woods.

Entering the clearing, the sight of familiar faces mingled with the scent of burning wood and the distant hum of laughter. I took a deep breath, attempting to compose myself before venturing further into the party.

I didn't want to admit it to even myself, but my eyes seemed to be scanning the crowd for a glimpse of Y/n. 

It didn't take long for her to materialize, radiant in the flickering light, Garreth at her side. The sight stabbed at the already raw wounds within me. 

She laughed, and for some reason, her laughter brought me pain.

I observed from a distance for a bit, and then looked away.

Fuck. I probably look like a loser, watching them like this.

A girl walks up to me, looking all giggly, and asks me if I want a drink. I almost check her out, but I give up midway through her body.

She isn't my type, really.

Nursing a cup of something strong enough to drown the thoughts and emotions clawing at my insides, I drink.

The liquid burned as it slid down my throat.

Y/n and Garreth moved effortlessly through the crowd, lost in each other's company. 

Why was I still watching? 

Their laughter, shared glances, and subtle touches painted a picture of a connection that felt like a betrayal.

I couldn't escape the feeling of being an outsider in a world that had once been mine.

As the night wore on, the effects of the enchanted beverage took hold. The edges of reality blurred, and the pain dulled to a distant ache. 

A fleeting glimpse of Y/n dancing with Garreth caught my eye. And I downed another cup in an attempt to drown the emotions that threatened to resurface. 

Resurface through tears or vomit. Another pathetic thought.

As the night progressed, I sought sanctuary in the shadows.

Merlin forgive me, I've drank too much. 

I stumbled upon an empty space, away from the crowd.  I sank to the ground, the cool grass a stark contrast to the heat on my intoxicated, pathetic body.

I allowed myself a moment of vulnerability. The pain, the regret, and the relentless ache converged into a solitary realization – I had lost something irreplaceable, and the night held no magic capable of mending the fractures within my heart.

Ominis appeared, a familiar face in the sea of strangers. "Sebastian," he called, cutting through my intrusive-drunk thoughts.

I looked up, meeting his gaze. "Ominis."

He settled beside me on the cool grass, "Imelda told me she saw you here... looking like you're carrying the weight of the entire world on your shoulders."

A bitter chuckle escaped me. "Maybe I am. I don't even know what I'm doing anymore, Ominis. Everything feels like it's falling apart."

He nodded, an unspoken understanding passing between us. "We've all been through our fair share of messes, Sallow. You're not alone."

Sighing, drunk words slipped out of me, "I pushed her away, Ominis. I made the choice to end it, and now I'm watching her with someone else. I can't bear it."

Ominis's hand found my shoulder, "You can't fault yourself for trying to protect your own heart."

My gaze dropped to the ground, "I hurt her... I hurt the one person who cared about me, and now I'm stuck here..." My words slurred, frustrating me a bit.

I started feeling sick to my stomach. I've really done it. I've drank too much.

"You have to face the consequences of your actions, and it's going to hurt. But it's not the end, Sallow. People mess up, they hurt each other." Ominis says.

I groan, "That doesn't make me feel better."

Ominis almost chuckles, "Do you picture a life with her? Beyond school? After graduation?"

I think for a moment, not because it was a difficult question but because I could get drunk on purely the thoughts and fantasies of life together after Hogwarts with her. I almost smile at the thought briefly before I quickly slump more in defeat.

Ominis doesn't even need an answer, he understands. 

"Look, Sebastian, you've never been someone to give up or be realistic. You've always been annoyingly confident that you can always have your way. I hate seeing you like this, all pathetic." 

Only Ominis could insult me like this and not hurt me as much as it should.

"She didn't deserve you breaking her heart just because you were trying to protect yours. And you deserve happiness, Sebastian. It's that simple, really," Ominis continued.

His words hit me like the Hogwarts Express. 

"Thanks, Ominis," I murmured, gratitude replacing some of the darkness within me.

Ominis patted me on the back, a reassuring gesture. "Now, let's get you back on your feet. The night is young, and who knows, maybe it'll surprise us with a twist of fate."

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