Chapter 28

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As I looked around the library, my eyes kept darting towards the entrance, hoping to catch a glimpse of him walking in. I fidgeted with my hair and smoothed out my skirt, trying to make myself look presentable for him.

Minutes ticked by.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I saw him walk through the doors of the library. My heart leaped in my chest as I watched him approach me, his expression caught me off guard.

His eyebrows were somewhat frowned. He looked like he was lost in his own world, with his shoulders tense and his walk stiff.

"Sorry I'm late," he said. "I got caught up with something in the common room."

I smiled, "Don't worry about it" I was inspecting his face, there was definitely something going on.

Should I be asking him about it?

Sebastian sat down in front of me, "Why'd you call me here?"

I smiled, "I just... I just wanted to see you"

He gave me a weak smile.

"Um... is everything ok?" I asked.

The pain etched across Sebastian's face was undeniable, and my worry intensified every second that he didn't answer.

He took a few seconds to answer, I spoke again, "Sebastian, what happened? Are you okay?"

His voice quivered as he spoke, his words heavy with a weight I couldn't yet comprehend.

"I... I can't do this" he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I can't be with you."

My heart skipped a beat, confusion and hurt washing over me like a tidal wave.

I couldn't understand why he was saying this, why our love was unraveling before my eyes like this. I reached out, my hand grabbing his.

"Sebastian, what are you talking about? What is it?" I asked.

Sebastian's gaze dropped to the floor, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "It's for the best, its the best for you..."

I felt my heart shatter as his words pierced my soul.

I wanted to protest. But the look in his eyes told me that he had made up his mind.

Tears welled up in my eyes, my voice trembling with a mix of heartache and resignation. "Sebastian, I really like you. I've never doubted that, not for a second. But if this is what you truly believe, if you think breaking up is the right thing to do, then I won't...hold you back."

Sebastian's lips quivered, and his eyes glistened with unshed tears. He seemed like he longed to take back his words. But something held him captive.

In silence, we stood there.

With a heavy heart, I looked away. As tears streamed down my face.

The library's hushed embrace bore witness to our broken bond, as Sebastian turned away, walking out without even saying goodbye.

I was left standing alone, thinking about how ironic it was that the first time he made my heart flutter was in this very library, when he protected me from Peeves.

And now in this same library he has decided to break my heart.

It wasn't until he was gone that my mind raced with
all types of questions, most of them a variation of "Why? Why? Why?"

I thought we were doing well, I thought we were better than ever, he was acting strange, sure, but we had done such intimate things, do all of those things not matter to him?

Was I just a toy to him? What type of game is he playing? I would do anything to be able to just read his mind.

I stood up from the table and walked out of the library, wiping my tears away and gaining some sort of composure.

I was going to get some sort of answer.

I walked directly to the common room.

I walked into the common room and looked around, making my way to Ominis and Imelda, who were sitting together in a corner of the room.

I walked up to them.

"You look like you just got beat up with a broom stick" Imelda laughed. But then she noticed I didn't laugh with her, her face went blank, "Is everything ok?"

"No.. not really, Sebastian basically just... told me he couldn't be with me" I revealed.

Both of them looked surprised.

"He had just spoken to us... he didn't seem... maybe it's the Garreth thing?" Ominis looked worried.

"The Garreth thing? What Garreth thing?" I crossed my arms.

"He heard about Garreth asking you out..." Imelda said seemingly nervous.

I sighed, "That can't be the reason why he broke up with me, it must be something else... do you think... do you think he found someone else?"

They both shook their heads and said no.

"You're like the only person Sallow has ever liked, he's an oblivious knob with any other girl" Imelda said while still shaking her head.

"Imelda's right, you're like the second person he's ever—" Ominis stopped his sentence.

Both me and Imelda turned to him and furrowed our eyebrows.

"He's ever what?" Imelda asked with furrowed brows.

"I... it's not my place to be airing Sebastian's private business out like this" Ominis suddenly got extremely nervous.

"Ominis." I said with stern tone.

"Come on we are your best friends!" Imelda pried.

Ominis turned away, "..."

Imelda placed her index finger on Ominis' chest, "You better tell us or I'll Y/n about what you did with her—"

"Ok! Fine! During 6th year... when you and Sebastian were barely talking to each other, he told me he got together with some girl from Feldcroft" Ominis revealed.

I was speechless. But also... what does Imelda have over Ominis that he broke so quickly?

"He got with some girl in Feldcroft? He dated someone from his hometown?" Imelda couldn't believe her ears.

"N-no, they didn't date, he said they just..."

"I don't want to hear it." I interrupted him.

My heart was beating fast, I didn't want to hear it, I knew what he was going to say.

And to think that I thought Sebastian had lost his virginity to me.

I feel a strange sense of betrayal. Am I allowed to feel this way?

Does it matter?

He still broke it off with me.

He said he couldn't do it anymore.

I feel...


Tears started forming in my eyes.

And before Ominis and Imelda could say more, I ran to the dormitory and got under the covers like a little kid who had just seen a monster in the closet.

And I cried.

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