Chapter 10

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Sebastian POV

"Ominis, could you be any more unhelpful!" I paced back and forth, gripping my robes in the common room.

"I don't know what to tell you, Sebastian. It's not like I'm any more experienced than you" Ominis was absolutely done trying to suggest ideas.

At this point, I was about to rip my hair out.

"What's all this" Imelda popped out of nowhere as she does, walking alongside Nerida.

Before I could tell Imelda to bugger off, Ominis betrayed me and told her everything.

"He's about to have a stroke because he likes a girl, and he doesn't know how to ask her on a proper date" Ominis spilled.

Both Imelda and Nerida asked at the same time, "y/n?"

I nodded in defeat.

Imelda sat in a nearby chair, "For Merlin's sake, how are you so incompetent."

"What do you mean?" I said, slightly offended (very offended).

"You like her. She likes you. No matter how you ask her out, she's going to say yes, so why are you panicking like a dunce" She spat at me.

"BECAUSE, Imelda, I want this to be perfect; I don't even know where to take her or what the proper date etiquette is" I started pacing around again.

"Proper date etiquette?" Nerida intervened, "What on Merlin's name are you talking about?"

"Well, where am I supposed to take her? or how am I supposed to act?" I kept pacing.

Imelda rolled her eyes, "I never thought I'd see the day when Sebastian Sallow became a big blabbering baby."

"Now you see what I've been dealing with all morning" Ominis mumbled.

These absolutely unhelpful twats.   

"I say, just take her out for butterbeer" Nerida shrugged.

"A gentleman would not take a girl to a tavern on a first date" Ominis said.

"Says who?" Nerida asked.

"Says me" Ominis responded.

"Maybe take her flying; perhaps racing on your brooms would be romantic" Imelda suggested.

"That's only romantic for you" Nerida interjected.

They all kept giving out ideas and then fighting with each other on what would be better, what would be more romantic, and what would be more memorable.

"You should get her a gift!" Imelda said, "Something meaningful...I'm sure she would melt"

I thought momentarily, "That's not a bad idea, actually."

Ominis and Nerida agreed.

A gift. What a wonderful idea. I could go to Hogsmeade and get her something from there.

Right away, I knew I had some planning to do, so everything would go faultlessly.

So I went down to Hogsmeade and looked around, for something that y/n would like.

I found a store that sold antiques. I walked around until I saw something that caught my eye. A heart-shaped necklace. It was silver. And pretty.

I brought it to the vendor, "Is there any way you could engrave something on this"

The vendor nodded.


It was dinner time, and I walked into the grand hall. I was hoping with all my heart to catch a glimpse of y/n. I had to see her as soon as possible.

She was sitting right in front of Ominis at the Slytherin table. Perfect.

I rushed towards them and sat directly next to her. She turned to me and smiled sweetly.

"How was class?" She asked.

"Couldn't wait for it to be over" I responded.

We started all talking and eating. It wasn't until everyone else was busy with other conversations that I took the opportunity to ask y/n.

I got close to her, "There's something I must ask you" I tried to say privately.

She tilted her head, "And what is that?"

"Not here" I said, "Come with me outside for a minute."

She agreed. We both stood up and walked outside, everyone around us looking at us not as discreetly as they probably thought they were.

Outside I guided her to a bench nearby the top of the Hufflepuff common room. It was a clear day with a blue sky, so it was quite pleasant outside.

"So what is it?" She asked.

I immediately got nervous, as if I hadn't touched her buttocks just yesterday.

Why must I be like this...

"It's not something bad, is it?" Her expression became preoccupied.

I cupped her face with my hand, ", it's not something bad"

"Promise?" She looked at me with big puppy eyes. I wanted to grab her and just shake her from how cute she was when she looked all worried.

I leaned in and laid a peck on her lips. Her expression immediately changed, and a smile formed on her face.

It seems like it's becoming a habit for me to want to kiss her every 5 seconds.

I kissed her again.

And then again. But this time on her nose.

And then again, but on her cheek.

And then I went back to her lips.

"Sebastian." She giggled.

"What?" I had not a single thing on my mind.

"Weren't you going to ask me a question?" She pressed her lips together in anticipation.

"Go on a date with me" I said, smiling.

She, for a few seconds, didn't say anything, but then the biggest smile I'd ever seen on her face appeared.

"Of course" She beamed.

I grabbed her face and attacked her with kisses.

We were both tittering like idiots.

All the nerves and stress I felt earlier had completely vanished. And now all that was on my mind was that I had to make sure that this date was as good as it could be—a proper date.


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