Chapter 17

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I was laying on the floor while Sebastian sat leaning on a pillar. Probably a whole hour had passed since Ominis left us locked in the undercroft. And now it was clear that he wasn't planning on returning.

I kept trying to make casual conversation with Sebastian, but something was wrong with him, he just kept looking away from me and looking irritated.

"How are you doing in your charms class?" I kept trying to get something out of him.

"I'm doing well" He said while looking away, uninterested in what I had to say.

I didn't say anything after this.

But after a long pause, he turned his gaze towards me, "How are you doing in muggle studies?"

I looked at him with a strange look on my face, "Good I suppose" I answered.

"Really? Seems like you were really struggling today" He said in a somewhat sore tone.

Is this what I think this is..?

"Good thing Weasley was there to help, right?" His words answered my question.

It was indeed what I thought it was.

He was jealous. He had to be.

I decided to play along.

"Indeed, he was just so helpful today" I said in between a sigh.

"Yeah, it sure looked like he was helping a lot" Sebastian spewed sounding unconvinced.

"He was." I spewed back somewhat a bit more aggressively than I intended.

"I'm not doubting it" He said with a more piercing tone.

"Well, it seems like you are doubting it" We were now staring directly at each other.

"Why would I?" He kept it going.

"I don't know, why would you?" I spat back.

He got up from where he was sitting and walked to the other side of the room, "Well since when has Weasley been good at any subject, why are you suddenly asking him for help in anything?"

I stood up also, "Garreth is good at many things-"

Sebastian turned his head instantly, "You're pushing it."

I was somewhat tongue-tied, "I'm pushing what?"

"I refuse to stand here and hear you get all worked up about what another guy is good at" He bid.

"Well I refuse to let you dictate what I can or cannot talk about, Garreth is-" I tried to retaliate quickly.

"I don't want to hear a single word more about Garreth right now" He interrupted.


He walked over to me. I could see in his eyes that he was furious at this point. He stood in front of me and grabbed my collar, forcefully ripping it open, which exposed the top of my chest, and his necklace on my neck, which I still was wearing.

"This right here," He grabbed the necklace. "Means you're mine. You're no one else's" His anger exposed his jealousy, in more ways than a truth spell would.


"If that's not true, you may take it off, take it off if you must" He now expressed a mixture of that same anger but now with some sadness in it.

He wants me to make a choice. A choice of keeping the necklace on or off. A choice of choosing him or not. I didn't know my flirting with Garreth Weasley would cause him this much distress.

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