Chapter 32

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"You look beautiful tonight" Garreth spins me around as we dance. 

I smile, feeling incredibly conscious of the muscles I'm using to smile. 

I see Imelda nearby, and my eyes light up with opportunity.

"I'm going to say hi to Imelda" I say to Garreth as I find myself already walking towards her.

She sees me and smiles with her eyes, "If it isn't the girl who stole the prefect's private bedroom from me..." She says in a humorous tone.

I chuckle, "I thought you were over that..."

"I was, but then a Hufflepuff starts flirting with me and suddenly I find it atrocious that you're the one with the private bedroom... and you're not even going to use it tonight" She looked away, faking annoyance. 

I keep smiling, "Hey! How do you know I won't use it with Garreth?" 

She rolls her eyes, "Please, just by the way you're dancing with him, I can tell you wouldn't fuck him even if your life depended on it."

Blood rushes to my cheeks.

"Imelda!" I protest, trying to come up with any sort of response, she laughs at my suffering.

Before I could continue, she interrupts my panic, "Ominis is here by the way... he told me to tell you"

I compose myself a bit, "Ominis?... where is he? I want to greet him" I thank Merlin for the change of topic.

"I saw him over there..." Imelda points to a patch of trees away from the crowd.

My face distorts in confusion for a moment, "Over there...?"

As I turn back to Imelda, she had disappeared into the crowd, my expression remained slightly disorganized.

Why is Ominis so far away from the fun? Was he perhaps smooching someone? 

Those were the only thoughts that came up in my head, as I walk towards the more dense forest, it was dark, but the moonlight was helping find my footing. I walk for only a bit until I see someone sitting by a tree, I immediately recognize the figure as Ominis.

"Hey... Imelda told me you'd be here" I say softly, walking even closer to him.

The figure turns around, it was so very dark, yet I could tell that the person was just looking at me, not responding.

I walk even closer, "I'm glad you came..." I say.

Another moment of silence, and then suddenly, his voice.

"Really?" His voice cut through the air, and my heart dropped. 

Then I realized, as I took a step closer, Sebastian Sallow was in front of me. Sitting under a tree, his hair and shirt messy. My eyes widened when I could finally see him, my heart beating so fast I feared he could hear it. My cheeks immediately turned red as warmth spread all over my face in a way that was almost unbearable. 


He said nothing. He was awaiting for a response, I could see that he was struggling to keep himself up. His skin was also flushed, but it was also glistening, he was sweating, a mess. A beautiful mess. 

"Are you ok?" I whisper, my brain not being able to process the words coming out of my mouth. 

Sebastian tries to get up, but he instead leans on the tree behind him, "I'm fine..."

I kneel next to him slowly, as if he were a puffskein and any sudden movement would scare him away. 

"You're not ok... how much did you drink?" I furrowed my brows. A protective feeling overcame my embarrassment. 

He looked away, I couldn't read his expression, not like I used to be able to. He remained silent before speaking.

"I didn't drink that much..." That, I could tell was a lie. He sits up a bit more, looking back at me. I suddenly noticed how his shirt was unbuttoned at the top, and how his eyebrows looked so serious as he looked directly into my eyes.

"You were never good with your liquor..." I whisper as I place my hand on his forehead, trying to gauge his temperature.

He leans into my touch, I blush slightly at the sight.

He was drunk.

I had never seen Sebastian in this state, looking at me with such needy eyes, his body slouched as if he was too heavy to hold himself up, his eyes in a daze and he stares at me lazily.

"You need to go back to Hogwarts... you're all warm..." I whisper as gently as I can.

"I'll be fine..." He repeated.


"I swear I'm not drunk." 


"Im not-" 

"I'll take you" I blurt out, not in the soothing voice I was using, but a more decisive one.

Sebastian blinks a few times, "You don't have to worry about me... go enjoy the party..." 

I stand up and start walking, "Come now, I don't want the other houses to have more stories of Slytherins not handling their liquor" 

He stands up clumsily, "Im serious Y/n... I don't need-"

He is still so stubborn. 

I smile. 

"I have a potion that will sober you right up" I say as we walk side by side.

It's so odd; to be talking to him like this, as if nothing ever happened.

As we walk, I see him stumbling in my peripheral; at once, he stumbles on a root on the ground, and I reach for him; he stands in a cocky manner before I can even touch him.

"I'm okay. Absolutely okay" He says as he continues walking.

I sigh, "I don't need to help you walk now, right Sallow?"

His eyebrow twitches, a familiar reaction for when he thinks of something mischevious. 

"If you'd like to hold my arm, I wouldn't be opposed to getting the old lady crossing the path treatment," he says while looking way too focused on where he is stepping.

I let a laugh escape, tempted by the idea of holding his arm.

"You are truly..." I didn't finish my sentence, even though the word I was looking for was something along the lines of: idiotic. 

He smiles at the silence. A mysterious smile, which left me wondering.

I hiccup. As I do, Sebastian hums.

"Seems like you've been drinking too." Sebastian says in a recognizable tone, a teasing one.

I chuckle, "Not as much as you." At the very least, I was able to walk properly. 

He chuckles too, "Hope you have enough of that sobering potion of yours for the two of us..." We finally reach a paved path, away from the forest. 

Hogwarts in sight, we now walk alongside the water surrounding it, both of us staring at the building, as all its lights. The school was always so beautiful in the night. 

"I have plenty. Let's just quickly get to my room," I say, pressing my lips together in realization. 

I am leaving the party with Sebastian Sallow and not my boyfriend. 

What am I doing?


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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