☆ Chapter Three ☆

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♡ Kahlia ♡

After my chat with Hayden and fuck boy I got ready for work. I was still in shock about Kyler being bi I never saw that coming. I might hate Kyler but he is sexy as hell. So you're probably wondering why I don't get along with Kyler well, my last relationship ended badly. The bastard was a fuck boy like Kyler but I thought he would change for me. Yeah, fucking right he stayed faithful for a year but then started cheating. I came home from work and found him balls deep inside a fucking coworker of mine. Of course, he tried saying it didn't mean anything and that he loves me. I left his cheating ass and since then I haven't been with anyone I promised myself I wouldn't go for the fuck boy type anymore. It's getting harder to keep that promise cuz I live next door to the sexiest man I have ever seen. I get to work and I can tell it's busy I walk inside and clock in. I work as a bartender at a bar called Sugar bar it's not a bad place to work. I get behind the bar and start making drinks as I'm making a drink for a lady I hear someone call my name. I look over to my right and of course, it has to be my fucking ex I set the drink in front of the lady and she hands me the money to pay for it she tells me to keep the change I tell her thank you. I go over to my ex to see what in the fuck he wants.

Kahlia ~ What can I get you, Noah?

Noah ~ A beer would be nice but I would like to talk to you.

Kahlia ~ Noah if you are here to talk about us you are just going to waste your time.

I hand him his beer. I go to help the next customer but the cheating ass stops me.

Noah ~ Kahlia please just talk to me.

Kahlia ~ Ugh fine I will talk to you after my shift.

Noah ~ Okay.

I go ask the next customer what would they like and I make it for them. The rest of the night went smoothly which I'm thankful for cuz some nights it can get fucking crazy. I walk over to the side of the bar where Noah is waiting for me so we can talk. I get over to him and take a seat across from him.

Kahlia ~ What is it that you have to say to me?

Noah ~ Look I know I fucked up and I do regret it. I miss you and I want us back I promise I will stay faithful to you.

Kahlia ~ Noah I can never trust you hell I can't trust any man cuz of you. I loved you and I truly thought you loved me but I guess not. When we met I knew your type you were a fucking player but I thought you could change for me. We were together for almost two years the first year you stayed faithful so what the fuck changed?

Noah ~ Honestly nothing changed I was happy with you but I guess in a way I got bored. I was not used to just having one woman I know I still shouldn't have fucked your co-worker. I was just not thinking with the right head at the time do I wish I could take it back fuck yeah I do. I know you can't trust me yet but I will do anything to earn your trust back.

Kahlia ~ Noah I'm not going to get back together with you. I would be the fucking dumbest person on earth if I did.

Noah ~ Who the fuck is he?

Kahlia ~ What in fuck are you talking about?

Noah ~ You won't get back together with me so there has to be another dude you are seeing.

Kahlia ~ Even if I was with someone else it's none of your fucking business.

Noah ~ I will get you back if it's the last thing I do.

Kahlia ~ Good luck with that cuz I'll never be yours again.

Noah gets up and leaves I finish cleaning then I close up and head home. I pull into my driveway and I look over to see if there are any lights on over at Kyler's. Why can't I get him out of my head? I get out of my car lock it then head to my front door. I hear footsteps behind I slowly flip open my Keychain knife. I turn around and see Noah standing there what the fuck did he follow me home. I can see out of the corner of my eye a light coming from Kyler's bedroom they must still be up I hope or they fell asleep with the TV on again. I'm right at my door I have my cell in one hand and my knife in the other once it's on my keys.

Kahlia ~ What the fuck Noah did you seriously follow me home?

Noah ~ Yes I told you this wasn't over yet. I want us to get back together I fucked up and I won't do it again I promise.

Kahlia ~ That's not the fucking point I will never trust you again plus I'm not in love with you. Please just move on and be happy.

Noah ~ No I want you and only you.

Kahlia ~ If that were fucking true then your ass would have never FUCKING CHEATED ON ME.

Noah ~ I said I was sorry why are you yelling?

Kahlia ~ Cuz you don't understand that I don't want to be with you.




He starts to walk toward me and I yell for him to stop but he doesn't. Once he is close enough to me he grabs me and pins me to the door.


Noah ~ Oh come on Kahlia I know you like it rough.

Kahlia ~ Get the fuck off me, Noah or I'll fucking scream.

Noah ~ Mmm I love it when you're feisty.

I try to get away from him but he just tightens his hold on me. So I fucking scream as loud as I can. Noah puts his hand over my mouth and squeezes fuck that hurts.

Noah ~ Now, why would you do that? Kahlia you better hope no one heard you otherwise this is not going to end well for you. I'm going to remove my hand but you better not fucking scream again.

Kahlia ~ Fuck you Noah go to fucking hell.

Noah ~ Mmm I love it when you fight back.

He grabs me and then turns me around he slams me into the door again. Noah reaches around and undoes my pants he slowly pulls them down and then undoes his pants. Fuck no he is not about to rape me I scream for help. The next thing I feel is Noah being pulled off of me before he could do anything. I pull up my pants and then sink to the ground I put my head between my legs and start to cry. After a few minutes, I feel someone gently touch my shoulder and pull me up into them. I look at the person and it's Kyler I look over and see Hayden pinning down Noah while on the phone. If I had to guess he was on the phone with the police. Kyler grabs my keys and lets Hayden know he is taking me inside.

Kyler ~ Come on beautiful lets get you inside and wait for the police to get her.

I nod and we walk into the house. We sit down on the couch and Kyler holds me while I continue to cry. He rubs my back and tries to calm me down. The police finally show up they take my statement then cuff Noah and put him into the back of the cop car. Hayden tells Kyler that he thinks it's best if I stay with them for a while just in case. Kyler agrees and tells me to go get what I need so I go to my room and I pack a bag. After I'm done packing a bag we all walk over to Kyler's. They show me to one of the guest rooms and then we all head our separate ways. I go into the room and get ready for bed I lay down and fall asleep.

 I go into the room and get ready for bed I lay down and fall asleep

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Noah Marks
27 years old
Kahlia ex-boyfriend

🏳️‍🌈 Kyler 🏳️‍🌈Where stories live. Discover now