☆ Chapter Twenty ☆

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♡ Kyler ♡

It's been a few weeks since the shooting happened at the bar. Kahlia is still on edge every time she leaves the house, which we all don't blame her. We all have seen Noah around watching her and following her from a distance. Kade has been reporting this to the police but all they keep saying is that until he violates the restraining order or does something, we can not do anything. Now, as for Cash, he has been staying here every weekend, and he is every night for dinner. Hay and I talked, and we plan to ask Cash if he'd like to move in with us. I have a plan for this weekend for us three. I'm taking Hay and Cash to the cabin, and this is where we will share our first time together. Kahlia and Kade will also be going somewhere to stay for the weekend. Kade has a very romantic weekend getaway planned for them. Hay and Kade are out doing some errands before we all leave, so Kahlia and I are packing our bags.

Kahlia ~ Ky, I need your help. I don't know what to pack.

Kyler ~ Just pack a few dresses just in case you guys go out. Make sure you have your swimsuit, then just pack casual clothes.

Kahlia ~ Okay, but what dresses should I pack?

Kyler ~ Pack your blue flower, dress the black one with the slit on the side, and your white one.

Kahlia ~ Okay, thank you.

Kyler ~ You're welcome.

Kahlia ~ So, are you excited about this weekend?

Kyler ~ I am. What about you? Are you excited?

Kahlia ~ I am, but I'm also worried that Noah will follow us and ruin our weekend.

Kyler ~ You don't need to worry about that. Cash is letting Kade use his truck so Noah will think it's Cash and not you and Kade.

Kahlia ~ Oh wow, well, I'll have to thank him then. But how is this all going to work?

Kyler ~ Well, we will have Cash parked in the garage. Cash will drive his truck. You and Kade will be hidden in the back while Hay and I will follow you guys until we know he's not following us.

Kahlia ~ Well, thank you for all of this it means a lot to me.

Kyler ~ You're welcome. We are all here to protect you.

Kahlia ~ I know you all are. I just wish Noah would leave me alone and move on with his life like I'm trying to do.

Kyler ~ I know how you feel. Do you remember Kenna that girl that was with Hay and I a while back.

Kahlia ~ Yeah.

Kyler ~ Well, she has had this crush on me since forever, plus she works with us. I used to have a crush on her, but not any more. Well, she won't leave me alone while we are at work. I can't just fire her and she knows it so I'm just waiting for her to fuck up and then she is gone. Now that I'm thinking about it, she was never this bad until I started talking to you. I'm now wondering if she knows Noah.

Kahlia ~ Damn I didn't think about that. She did give me a weird look and vibe that night at the bar.

Kyler ~ After this weekend, we will look into it more. For now, let's just focus on this weekend getaway and enjoy it.

Kahlia ~ That sounds like a great idea.

Cash ~ Babe, I'm here.

Kyler ~ Kahlia and I are upstairs, babe.

Kahlia ~ If Cash is here already, we better get our ass moving with packing cuz that means Hayden and Kade will be back soon.

Kyler ~ Shit you're right.

Cash ~ Hey Kahlia. Hey babe, how is it going?

Kahlia ~ Hey Cash.

I get up and give Cash a sweet kiss.

Kyler ~ It's going okay. We should be finished soon.

Cash ~ Would you like some help?

Kyler ~ Sure, babe. If you could put Hayden's things in his bag, they are on the bed.

Cash ~ Sure, babe.

Kahlia ~ Kyler, do you, by chance, have an extra toiletry bag? I can't seem to find mine.

Kyler ~ Yeah, I have a few extra ones under our bathroom sink. Take a couple if you want.

Kahlia ~ Okay, thank you.

Kyler ~ You're welcome.

Cash has Hayden's bag all packed, and he put it downstairs. Kahlia finished when I did, and then Cash took our bags downstairs for us. We all sit on the couch and watch a movie that is on TV until Hayden and Kade get back. After some time, Kade and Hayden return. We all have a quick lunch, and then we all head out. We reached the point where we were doing the switch. Cash gets out of his truck, and Kade gets into the driver side while Kahlia gets in on the passenger side. Cash now gets in my truck. Cash sits in the back seat. We all head our separate ways for the weekend.

Cash ~ So, how long have you had this cabin?

Kyler ~ It was given to me when I turned 18. My dad bought it shortly after my mom found out that she was pregnant with me. My parents traveled a lot, and they started when they graduated high school. The only time they weren't traveling was when my mom was too far along with us children, and the doctors told her that she couldn't. When we were children, we would travel when we had breaks from school and also in the summertime. When my dad bought the cabin, it was for when mom couldn't travel, and they wanted to just get away before I was born. The last time they used it was right before the twins were born, and that's when they talked about passing it down to me. Hayden and I have thrown parties there when we were in high school. We would also just spend the weekend there just to get away from our parents. It's even the first place we're we shared our first time together.

Cash ~ Wow, so not only was in it the family, but it also shares a lot of memories.

Hayden ~ It does, and hopefully, it will be a place for us to make and share new memories. This cabin is now just as much yours as it is ours.

We drive for about another hour before we arrive.

Cash ~ Holy shit this place is beautiful.

Kyler ~ It is, and it's peaceful.

We walk into the cabin, and we show Cash around. Once we show him the whole place, we go and put the little bit of groceries away, then we go up to our room and put our stuff away. Cash tells us that he's going to be making dinner tonight so Hay and I can just relax. Hay and I go and sit on the couch and watch something that's on TV. After about an hour, Cash comes to tell us that dinner is ready. We get up and go sit around the table.

Kyler ~ Babe, this looks delicious. Thank you for cooking.

Hayden ~ Yes, thank you, babe, and it also smells amazing.

Cash ~ There's no need to thank me. I'm just happy to be here with you both and getting some alone time together.

We start to eat and oh my good this tastes fucking amazing. This is probably the best homemade lasagna I have ever had. I look over and can see Hayden in food heaven right now. We all continue to enjoy our dinner when we are done. Hay and I cleaned up and put the dishes away after we washed and dried them. Now it's time to sit and talk with Cash and see if he wants to move in with us.

🏳️‍🌈 Kyler 🏳️‍🌈Where stories live. Discover now