☆ Chapter Five ☆

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♡ Hayden ♡

When I woke up, I was in bed alone. I could smell the food cooking, so I know Ky is cooking breakfast. As I go into our bedroom, I hear the shower, so that must mean Kahlia is taking a shower. I grab my cell and then head downstairs. I go into the kitchen and see Ky at the stove. I walk over to him, giving him a good morning kiss, and then I help set the table. Ky tells me that Kahlia has opened up to him about her ex-boyfriend. I tell him that's great that she can trust him, and I know she will tell me when she's ready. I get the table set, and then Kahlia comes down and walks over to Ky and kisses him on the cheek, and then she does the same with me. We all sit down and eat, and then Ky goes to get ready for work. Kahlia and I are going to hang out today while Ky is at work. Ky comes back down and kisses me goodbye he tells Kahlia goodbye, and then he walks out the door.

Hayden ~ So, what would you like to do today?

Kahlia ~ Could we go to the gym?

Hayden ~ Yeah, we can. Do you have your gym clothes, or do we need to go grab some from your place?

Kahlia ~ Nope, I grabbed them last night.

Hayden ~ Okay then, let's go change, and then we can go.

Kahlia ~ Okay, that sounds good.

We both head upstairs to change into our gym clothes. She goes into the spare bedroom that she is staying in, and I go into our room. We both come out of the rooms at the same time, and then we head downstairs. I grab my car keys and cell, and we head out. I lock up the house, and then I go to the car. Once in the car, I start it, and we take off.

Kahlia ~ So I know you're wondering what is going on.

Hayden ~ I am, but you don't have to tell me if you don't want to.

Kahlia ~ I told Kyler this morning everything, so I want to fill in. So long story short that guy is my ex he was a fuck boy when I met him. He changed his ways for me but that only lasted about a year. One day I came home from work and found his ass in bed with a co-worker of mine. I left his ass and now he wants me back saying he regrets cheating and won't do it again. I told him I could never trust him again and I would look like a fucking fool if I went back to his ass. He showed up at the bar I work at and then followed me home he didn't like what I had to say so he tried to rape me.

Hayden ~ Fuck that's fucked up. Well, you are safe with us and we won't let anything happen to you.

Kahlia ~ I know I feel safe with you both. I just want to tell you to thank you for letting Kyler stay with me last night.

Hayden ~ You're welcome. So tell how long have you liked him?

Kahlia ~ I won't lie to you but I have liked him since I laid eyes on him.

Hayden ~ So could you see yourself ever being with him?

Kahlia ~ Honestly I'm not sure. I only say that cuz I know how he use to be. I don't think I could ever be with someone that was a fuck boy again.

Hayden ~ You do know most of those dates he went out on were just dinner nothing else. All those nights that he never came home after he was on a date he was with me. So please don't be so quick to judge him he may have acted like a fuck boy but he never was. Yes, he has slept with a few different women but that's all they wanted was a night with him.

Kahlia ~ I'm sorry it's just after everything I have been through it's just hard to trust men again. I know Kyler is a great guy and he's not a cheating bastard like my ex. I'll try to open my heart up to him and maybe we could be more than just enemies.

Hayden ~ Haha you too are a lot alike. If something were to happen between the two of you would you be okay with him also being with me?

Kahlia ~ Yes I would. I know that you will always come before anyone else. Why are you asking me all of these questions it's not like Kyler likes me.

Hayden ~ Trust me Ky likes you he just doesn't want to admit it.

Kahlia ~ That's hard to believe plus if he did like me he probably doesn't anymore after I told him about my ex.

Hayden ~ Trust me he still likes you. Ky is just a very stubborn guy when it comes to his feelings. Hell, I had to be the one to tell him that I liked him more than just a best friend. After I told him how I felt he came right out and told me how he felt. So just be patient with him if you want him to be the first one to admit his feelings.

Kahlia ~ So how did you guys start getting together if you don't mind me asking?

Hayden ~ So we ended up having a threesome with this guy in college. The guy wanted to watch Ky and me together so that was the first time we ever hooked up. Well shortly after that night we would occasionally hook up with each other. We made a promise that no matter what happened we will always remain best friends. Well, I start to get feelings for him but I knew he could never want to be with me. I thought that he was a straight guy just having some fun and experimenting cuz we were in college. So I ended up stopping us from hooking up cuz of my feelings for him. One night he came into our room and pinned me to the wall and then fucked me. After we had sex he asked me why did I want to stop hooking up well I told him my feelings for him and then that's when he told me he was bisexual. He also told me that he also had feeling for me but was worried that I wouldn't be okay with him wanting to be with a female as well. That night is when we talked about everything and put everything out in the open. Ky asked me to be his after we both graduated and of course, I said yes so we have been together since then so almost 3 years now.

Kahlia ~ Wow that's amazing. I could never tell that you two were together that's why I always thought he was with a different woman every night. Hell, I thought the same about you I couldn't tell that you were gay.

Hayden ~ Haha a lot of people can't tell that I'm gay. I know I look like a straight guy but I'm far from it.

Kahlia ~ Haha yeah you do that's why I always thought you were straight.

We continue to chat until we get to the gym. I pull into a parking spot and then we both get out of the car and head inside. Once inside we start our workout and spend about 2 hours working out. We leave the gym and head home when we get home we both shower and change. Kahlia wanted to cook dinner for us all tonight so as she was cooking I set the table. Ky came home from work just in time for dinner we all sat down and enjoyed our dinner. Then we all headed to bed Kahlia went to her room while Ky and I went to ours.

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