☆ Chapter Ten ☆

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♡ Kyler ♡

I wake up in Hayden's arms. I still have not talked to Kahlia about what she said. I know she talked to my mom about it. I know I should talk to her, but I'm just not ready yet. I feel Hayden start to stir, which means he is waking up. I turn my head, and I look at him he slowly opens his eyes and smiles.

Hayden ~ Mmm, good morning, babe.

Kyler ~ Good morning, my love.

Hayden ~ How did you sleep last night?

Kyler ~ Shockingly, really well. What about you?

Hayden ~ I slept like a baby. Shall we get up and get breakfast made for the three of us?

Kyler ~ Yeah, let's go. Thank you for not pushing me to talk to her just yet.

Hayden ~ I know you will when you're good and ready.

Kyler ~ Yes, I will.

We both get up and throw on some basketball shorts. We head downstairs, and we go into the kitchen. Hayden grabs the items he needs out of the fridge while I grab a few things out of the cupboards. I start the coffee pot, so we have hot, fresh coffee ready. By the time the food is almost ready, Kahlia still hasn't come down, which is not normal for her.

Kyler ~ Babe, can you go get Kahlia once she is not down here yet?

Hayden ~ Sure, babe.

Hayden goes upstairs, and I can hear him knock on her door. He comes back down with a weird look on his face.

Kyler ~ Babe?

Hayden ~ She's not here. I don't think she even slept in there last night.

Kyler ~ What do you mean she's not in there?

Hayden ~ She is not in there, and some of her clothes are gone. Let's go check her place before we jump to some other conclusions.

Kyler ~ You're right. Let's go.

We walk to the front door, we open it, and then we walk out. I look at our driveway, and her car is not there. We get in front of her driveway, and I don't see her car there either. Fuck I really hope her fucking asshole of an ex didn't get to her. We walked up to her front door, and we knocked before Hayden used the spare key she gave us. She doesn't answer, so we use the key and let ourselves in. we look around, and we don't find her. But she was here maybe she went to the gym.

Kyler ~ Maybe she is at the gym.

Hayden ~ Maybe we will give her until noon, and if we don't hear from her, you can call Officer Cooper.

Kyler ~ Okay, sounds good. Let's go back home and eat our breakfast.

We eat our breakfast, and we then get ready for work. When we get to the office, I go to my office and Hay goes to his. I keep looking at my phone to see if Kahlia has sent me a text but still nothing. So I have decided to send her a text just to make sure she is okay.

~ Text conversation ~

Kyler ~ Hey Kahlia I noticed you didn't sleep in the spare room last night and that you weren't home this morning. I just want to make sure that you are okay.

Kahlia ~ I'm fine you don't need to worry about me.

Kyler ~ Okay well no matter what I'm going to worry about you. Are you going to be home later tonight cuz we should really talk about what happened yesterday.

Kahlia ~ I'm not going to be back for awhile I needed to get away for awhile. I'm not sure when I will be back but I'll let you know. Also don't worry I'm safe where I am.

Kyler ~ Kahlia please don't push me away.

Kahlia ~ I'm not pushing you away. I just need time to myself and to just get away to clear my head. I'll text you when I decide to come home okay.

Kyler ~ Okay.

~ End of the text conversation ~

I get up and I head to Hay's office. I think I cased her away. I open the door to Hay's office and I walk in he looks up and can tell that something is wrong right away.

Hayden ~ Babe what's wrong?

Kyler ~ Kahlia left she is safe and she doesn't know when she is coming back. I think I chased her away. I should have just talked to her and not ignored her.

Hayden ~ Babe, is that what she said? That you pushed her away?

Kyler ~ No, but I know I did. She said that she needs to just clear her head and just needs to be away for a while.

Hayden ~ Babe, let me ask you, can you see yourself with her long-term?

Kyler ~ Yes and no. Yes, cuz I do like her, and I do want to see if we could work. But no, cuz of our banter it can get out of control sometimes. Plus I believe she still thinks that I'm a player, which I'm not.

Hayden ~ I think that this time apart will help you both realize what you want.

Kyler ~ I guess you're right. This time apart will do us some good. I still want you to go to the bar to keep an eye on her.

Hayden ~ I will don't worry. I'll keep an eye on her. Now, what are our plans for today?

Kyler ~ Let's go to the gym during lunch cuz I have plans for us tonight. I'm taking you out.

Hayden ~ Mmm, so we are going to have a date night.

Kyler ~ Yes, we are. It's been a while since we have been out on a date. Unless you just want to come home after work.

Hayden ~ No date night sounds amazing. I love you so damn much.

Kyler ~ I love you too, babe. Now let's go get ready for the gym.

We grab our gym bags that we keep in our office. We head out for our lunch work out we arrive at the gym. Hayden is doing some cardio while I lift some weights. After some time, I'm now doing some cardio while Hay lifts weights. When we are finished with our workout, we grab a quick bite to eat, and then we head back to the office. After work, we go home and shower and get changed for our date night. When we are both ready, we head out. We go dinner first at a nice Mexican restaurant.

Hayden ~ This place is really nice.

Kyler ~ Yes, it is. We should come here more often.

Hayden ~ How about we try to come here once a week for a date night.

Kyler ~ That sounds great. We do need to go on dates more.

Hayden ~ That we do. So how do you feel now about Kahlia leaving?

Kyler ~ Now to think about it, I'm actually kind of happy that she left. Just cuz she knows that I need the space, but also maybe she will now think before she opens that mouth of hers. I know she feels bad, but she should have known not to say that kind of shit about my mom or hell. Anyone of my family members. I know she is probably thinking she has lost her chance with me, but she didn't, but she will have to understand that shit like that can't be said.

Hayden ~ Yeah, that's for sure. She was in the wrong for saying that and she doesn't know she fucked up. So I guess when she gets back, we will see what happens, but please don't force to he with her if you can't okay.

Kyler ~ I promise I won't. If I feel like we won't make it, then I won't even try. I'll also let her know where I stand so that she's not in the dark.

Hayden ~ Okay.

We finished dinner. I paid the bill, and then we left to go to the movies. When the movie was over, we went home, and we ended up making slow, passionate love before we went to bed.

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