Chapter 1 - an unlikely alliance

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"How exactly did this happen?" Kaya murmured as she poured another bottle cap of water over Youngbins hand in a desperate attempt to resolve the glue and wiggle it free from the desk. Both could feel the stares of students behind them, giggling to themselves, and if Youngbin had seen it right, one of them had pulled out their phone to film the rescue mission.

"I just put my arm here and then I couldn't move it away anymore... Can you hurry up maybe?" Youngbin threw a look over to the classroom door, where more students were arriving now to have their next lesson here. He hissed when Kaya tried to rip off his hand less carefully now in response.

"I'll have to get the janitor, Bin. We need alcohol for this or something. Unless you don't-" Another rip. "-mind losing some skin."

"Don't go get the janitor, please? You can't leave me here? Class is about to begin and I will die if I have to sit here alone and wait for you."

Kaya lifted her head again, her golden eyes meeting Youngbin's. She raised one of her eyebrows, quickly scanned the room, then went back to her operation on the table.

"So you want both of us to sit here when class starts? And then both of us get humiliated, and then we get detention, and then we both die." Kaya poured two more bottle caps of water onto Youngbins glued on hand, and it started trickling down into his lap. Great. One more and it'd look like he peed himself along with getting glued onto a table.

"If we both died now we could go to heaven together?" He tried his best to lighten the mood, which really wasn't his speciality, ever, then tried to rip his hand off the table more violently, letting out a pained hiss immediately after. He pressed his lips together when the giggles at the back of the class became more prominent.

Kaya was about to give off her usual comment about the "go to heaven" part, but was interrupted by loud chattering entering the classroom. Great, really. Youngbin wiggled his hand harder as he quickly lowered his head, biting down on his lower lip to prevent any noises of pain to escape his lips again.

"Romeooo, oh Romeo!" A voice broke through the laughter, calling out to Youngbin with a high pitched voice. "How come you're stuck here, my dear Romeo!"

Of course it was him. Kaya and Youngbin lowered their heads further almost instinctively at the same time, knowing exactly who had just entered the classroom.

"Oh, Juliet! I'm trapped and dying in a glue trap! I'm stuck! I'm stuck~" The guy left out an uncomfortable moan as he stepped closer, and his friends continued to treat him like he was the funniest man alive.

Now it clicked. Leonardo "Leo" Harris, the world's most red faced white jock, constantly surrounded by the charming stench of sweat, had of course laid out this middle school level trap, specifically to catch Youngbin in it. And it worked. Youngbin hadn't even noticed when he put his arm down, at least not until it was too late, and now he was caught like a fly in a spider web. The only thing left to do was to ignore him and get out of here before Youngbin's face was once again blasted all over the gossip slash cringe compilation Instagram page this school had for some reason. Though, for that it might've been too late already, as Leo and his clique had already pulled out their phones.

Leo was by far one of the worst guys Youngbin had to deal with. Sure, on the High School Food Chain he wasn't the top, but he was sure enough one of the loudest. He had money, well, his dad did but that was enough to inflate his ego to high heavens, he was a jock as dumb as a rock but relatively well built, his favourite pastime activity was stuffing nerds into lockers, and most importantly, he was friends with the guys that literally controlled the students here. A bit like a cat catching mice for its owners, Leo particularly enjoyed making anyone's (but especially Youngbin's) life a living hell just to impress him.

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