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"Did you see Leia's Instagram story from last night?"

Alex flinched when Min said her name. Of course he hadn't seen it. He had unfollowed her a day after the breakup, and stalking his ex' social media with a fake account was so not his style. Or, well, it probably would've counted as a form of self harm.


"Did you see the one from Sunday night?"


"Did you check-"

"I don't follow her anymore. I'm not seeing shit."

Min stared at their phone in silence, taking a drag from their cigarette, then looked up at Alex.

"You wanna see?"

Yes, obviously. But also no, not at all. Alas, he had no self control, and if even Min brought it up, it had to be of interest. So, Alex jumped off the wall he was sitting on that encased the small hideout behind the school's gym, usually used to park bikes, and looked over Min's shoulder at their phone.

"She's been posting like this since Friday." Min tapped through multiple stories, mostly posts she had reposted. Pictures of pretty girls with sparkly oversaturated filters, a smug looking face of a Bratz doll, images Alex would find upon typing in "y2k badbitch" into Pinterest once, overlaid with texts that were all different but said the same. "Girl you don't need him. He needs you", "cheap men love expensive women", "try replacing me and learn how much i'm worth". Okay. Sure. Whatever made her sleep at night.

"It's basically just this," Min said, tapping through more and more stories, "and then a few thirst traps here and there." They passed a selfie of Leia giving the middle finger to the camera, a snippet of Olivia Rodrigo's all-american bitch playing. She's always spent a little too much time on Instagram, but that was actually a little concerning.

Which was a good sign. She had found out about Youngbin, and it hurt her ego badly. Well, good. The plan was working already, and it was only Tuesday. They haven't even done anything yet, aside from holding hands on Friday and smiling at each other whenever passing each other in the hallways on Monday, which really only happened- maybe twice or so.

The plan for today was to pick up Youngbin again, spend the lunch break together again, try to go somewhere public and then- Well, maybe look at each other lovingly, or hold hands, or sit next to each other and nod understandingly while Youngbin could talk about snakes or Mean Girls or whatever he felt like talking about.

Alex climbed back onto the wall, having seen enough of Leia's "I'm supernormal about my ex having a new boyfriend" posting. Maybe he should try that too. Upload pictures of Youngbin every day and talk about being happy and in love, and repost aesthetically pleasing quotes about being happy and in love.

"I have a friend that has access to her private story, by the way." Min kept scrolling through their phone. "I know this totally isn't ethical but my nosy ass of course wanted to know what she's saying." They opened a screenshot someone had sent them, and from his spot up on the wall Alex could see it was Leia's face, or at last a small part of it, looking to the side in annoyance.

"It says, and I quote: 'Seriously? Trying to replace me already? Or are you just that horny and desperate?' End quote." Min put their phone down, looked up to Alex. "I hate to say it but she's not that wrong for saying that."

"Wow, thank you. Whose side are you on again?" Alex crossed his arms, threw a (somewhat) non serious offended glare to his friend. This relationship was not for his pleasure, but her displeasure. And also, he wasn't horny, and just a normal amount of desperate.

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