Chapter 18 - the enemy of my enemy

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"Are you insane?" Kaya hissed as soon as she had dragged Youngbin out of the classroom into the library for their free period, a sentence that had probably been burning on her tongue since the moment red haired Youngbin had stepped into biology class.

It was the hair thing, certainly. Kaya hadn't been the only person who's eyes had almost fallen out upon seeing the new change on Youngbin's head. In fact, his mother had pretty much freaked out, at least as much as she could.

She'd gasped when Youngbin had come home this Saturday, exclaimed "This will ruin your hair forever!" Youngbin however swiftly assured her that it would likely only stay like this for about two weeks. He hadn't lied about that, there was a possibility that it'd wash out after two weeks, just as there was a possibility that she'd have to deal with this hair colour for another two months.

That day, she'd just kind of given up, too tired to complain, and even the next day, after Youngbin simply explained that he liked it, and he was old enough to decide what to do with his appearance, his mother had just accepted the fact. She knew that there wasn't much to do anymore, nothing to change, not after the whole coming out argument.

And that was right, there was nothing to change. The dye was already on his head. Actually, Youngbin liked his new hair colour quite a bit. He looked pretty good with it, or at least as good as a Youngbin Lee could ever look. He'd feared that it may be too much- It wasn't. It was just right.

And now, he'd decided that he'd meet Kaya's shock with just as much calm as he'd done with his mother.

"I quite like it," he said, and smiled. The smile was particularly important.

"I mean, yeah, it's looking good, but- I mean, that might as well be the first step into taking drugs?"

"Excuse you?" Youngbin raised his brow, his smile grew into a confused one.

"Mean bad boy boyfriend tells you to dye your hair, next you get a tattoo, then you rob a bank together, then he invites you to do crack cocaine. A natural transition."

"You're insane."

"Might be, but-" Kaya looked around in the empty library as though there was anyone that could hear them right now. "I can smell you getting into trouble."

"You're not giving Alex the chance he deserves, Kaya. He's no criminal. He skips school sometimes and got into one fight years ago, but he doesn't do coke as far as I can tell and doesn't rob banks and doesn't do anything that's highly illegal." Except for driving without a licence, but he did know how to drive without one, so it was fine. Youngbin pulled his text book out of his bag, after all, this period was supposed to be his time to do homework.

"I don't know why I'm supposed to give him a chance when he-"

"Because, no matter what you believe about him, it's probably not true. He's very good at making people misjudge him. And you seem to forget that I've been very happy with him." If Youngbin really thought this would shut Kaya up, he was very much wrong.

"Happy. Okay. So what good things have happened since you've been dating him?" Kaya sounded like his mother. But worse. "You got outed in front of the whole school and now everyone has even more reasons to bully you. You had to out yourself to your parents and now your mom is being really weird about you. You've been feeling a lot worse it looks like, judging by your nightmares. Now you have red hair, which is cute, but also very very visible, especially to people you might not want to be visible to. Oh, and you're back on Instagram! Where people still post about you, and now they call you the F word on top of that!"

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