Chapter 2 - the deal

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On any other day, Youngbin would've probably rather killed himself to escape a meeting behind the school gym with Alex Hill. On this fine Thursday afternoon however, he almost anticipated it. Just a few hours ago, the two had exchanged their first words as they were waiting for their teacher- Youngbin waiting for her to help him out with a bullying problem, and Alex being threatened with consequences for being too cocky in class, as always. And fate had decided that this first meeting would bring them together much closer than anticipated.

Youngbin was about to become Alex' boyfriend.

That's right. Youngbin Lee, the school's favourite loser, and Alex Hill, the demon king, were about to start dating. Or rather, pretend to date. Maybe it was going to make the last few months at school more survivable for Youngbin, or maybe this decision was about to ruin him. But, and he had tried to hammer this into his own head, it was worth a try.

Because Alex wasn't as bad as Youngbin had always feared. Feared, alright, that was the appropriate word. Alex had always been terrifying in his eyes. His attitude, his looks, his friends, the horror stories about him. It was almost a miracle that people didn't straight up cower in fear whenever he strutted through the school's hallways- well, maybe some actually did.

But, surprisingly, Alex had already lost most of his threatening aura to Youngbin when he had confessed his plans to him. Alex was scared of looking like a loser. The untouchable Alex Hill was scared that his cool guy image would be destroyed by his petty ex girlfriend. A loudly barking hunting dog had turned into a noisy little puppy in the matter of minutes, at least in Youngbin's eyes.

The two weren't able to keep their conversation going in the classroom when Miss Fernandez had come back in after trying to save a freshman from being buried in a dumpster, so they had quickly set a meeting point after school, behind the gym.

"If anyone sees us there," Alex had said, "it won't even look suspicious. People go there to make out all the time."

That was the first time that day something in Youngbin's head had started blaring warning sirens. He hadn't even thought of the implications of pretending to date. Dating. Being in a romantic relationship and all that.

Those alarm bells in his head, the same ones that went off when half the school made fun of a fake kiss on stage, were ringing louder now more than ever as Youngbin was leaning against the cold stone walls of the gym, right next to a small encased area that was supposed to house students bikes but had been locked off to most for a good two years now.

He knew he was going to have to hang out with Alex. Not a problem, really, he didn't seem like a bad person during their short talk. Being around Alex would serve a purpose. But pretending to be in love with him was- He just hadn't thought about that part enough, and he kind of didn't want to think about it much. Whatever. He could still decline the offer now. They were meeting to talk about specifics right now anyways, and if anything was getting too much, he could just-

"Youngbin!" Alex' voice, maybe too excited sounding, ripped Youngbin out of his own thoughts. "I kinda thought you maybe wouldn't come."

"To be completely fair, I didn't really want to come." Youngbin crossed his arms like he had seen Alex do it so many times today. Alex shrugged in response, putting on a huge grin.

It was weird. When Alex smiled, that was. He'd usually proudly wear his resting face, with eyes as sharp as knives, an expression that screamed 'don't mess with me'. Youngbin had never really watched Alex a lot before, but whenever they crossed paths, he'd either look done with the world, or carry a slight smirk, cocky and confident, but never had he smiled like this before.

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