Chapter 22 - THE FOOL

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The sun wanted to kill Alex. Harsh spears of light pierced his lids, shaking him awake from a year long slumber, melting the ice he'd been trapped and conserved in. His head buzzed, his limbs stiff and aching, his shoulders were freezing cold, yet his shirt stuck to his back with sweat.

What the fuck was going on?

He felt something move beside him, but he didn't dare open his eyes just yet. He had to think back first. Where was he? Why was he here? How did he get here?

He searched through hazy memories of- something, a party. Yes, right, the party. Min's party. Okay, what else? Drinks, music, more drinks, more drinks, the basement, more drinks, a walk home, then-

Youngbin. With his face close, his hands on his neck, then around his waist.

Wait, what? No, wait, that must've been a dream. Go back, back to the basement, more drinks... Youngbin on his lap. Youngbin holding his face. Youngbin taking off his belts? Youngbin in a tight shirt? Youngbin kneeling- Now what the fuck.

Alex ripped his eyes wide open, and temporarily turned blind. He grunted, maybe a bit too loudly, throwing his arm up to cover his eyes.

"Oh, good morning to you too." Youngbin's voice was painfully gentle and calm and kind and a bit lower than usual. That perfect kind of morning voice. That kind of voice you'd want to wake up to every day. Holy shit. What the fuck. "How are we feeling?"

"What the fuck," Alex groaned, hesitant to take his arm away and assess the situation. Did he even want to assess anything? "What's going on?"

"Oh, forgotten all of it?" God, how could he sound so relaxed? So stupidly chill, and yet something within his voice seemed almost... disappointed? Alex finally moved his arm away from his face, pried open one eye, then slowly the other.

Oh, gorgeous piece of shit. Youngbin sat next to him, phone in his hand, glasses a little crooked on his nose, hair messy, in his stupid little pyjama set, the top button undone, part of his collar bone exposed. Like he was doing this on purpose. Alex wanted to- kiss him, probably. And also punch his stupid grinning face. Punch it with his lips.

"What the fuck," Alex just repeated.

"Do you actually not remember or do you just need some time to wake up?"

"I genuinely-" Alex rubbed his face, then his neck, it hurt, then his shoulders. He was wearing a shirt. Okay. Fine. Alright. He was wearing clothes. "I don't know why I'm here."

"Oh, I just picked you up yesterday." Youngbin's eyes were fixed on his phone again. "From a party at Min's. Had to tuck you into bed."

"Right. Yeah, it's coming back." It wasn't really coming back, but there wasn't much else he could say. He certainly couldn't tell Youngbin that, for a second or so, he'd honestly believed that the two had slept with each other for some reason. And that the whole idea wasn't even as bad as it should've been.

"How's your, uh... your knee, by the way? You fell yesterday."

His knee? Well, now that Youngbin had brought it up, it hurt. Aside from the fact that his limbs felt like they hadn't moved in a million years, his knee particularly just hurt. In a different way than normal. In a 'I fell on my face and got hurt' kind of way.

"It's fine," Alex decided to say eventually. He finally sat up as well. His body- well, there wasn't much more to say, other than, it was so fucking stiff. He rolled his shoulders back and forth, deeply inhaled. "I'm sorry," he then let out. Really not sure why he did it, though.

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